
I'd say a year which is a good 6 months after the sell off from the bull market. It just feels like it's not really going anywhere and the recent conflicts are causing deeper sell offs.

I think it was a year ago they ran off kennyskitchen, which shut down the AbundanceTribe and I'd say the dominos took about a 1000 users with it. It bothered and bothers me. That being said, I was never really sold on Hive anyway

I want to be with nearly 100k hive I really want to be but it honestly feels like a piggy bank for a few and just constant sell off pressure above anything else. There's so many projects just sitting it feels like

Of course, the lack of adoption after 7 years is a problem too and why devs aren't flocking here

I agree, that's the drawback of decentralization. You get what a couple want to or are limited to build skill wise and not necessarily what we need. You also get a bunch of ideas started then abandoned, because theres no real ownership