I have recently found that commenting is not only marketing as you say, but it is highly engaging and satisfying, so I would recommend that, not that I am an expert on earning, but if you want to enjoy the platform, begin interacting with others through comments is a great way to stay motivated on the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're absolutely right, of course. Commenting can be a lot of fun. I do my social media here because I would be doing it somewhere else anyway. Facebook just got hacked. Why would I continue to donate my personal data to an entity that not only makes a lot of money off of our data but is so irresponsible with it as to allow hackers to compromise our privacy in such a manner? There is an alternative that even pays for the same kind of activities I'd be engaged in on FB and others such platforms. I'd be an idiot not to grab the opportunity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The problem is we are all forced to use FB these days, because for example my children have sports classes and groups where the training times are posted on facebook and nowhere else. so If I didn't have facebook I will pick them up at the wrong time. Imagine if that sort of dependency was on Hive...
I see. People gravitating towards using Facebook for such reasons is the result of the immense network effect of Facebook. But what Hive has going for it is the vastly higher average value per user. If you divide the market cap of Hive by the number of daily active users, which is something like 14,000, you get about $15,000.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta