I have said the post by leofinance and I am glad things are moving in the right direction. About onboarding 1million real users, I think that is achievable in the next 1-2years giving the right marketing strategy. I doubt there up to 500k people who have heard about leofinance so we need to get the word out there while we develop. This has been the problem of the blockchain whereby we create amazing products and give them little exposure, then a new blockchain comes up with something similar, and boom! It moons. So I am hoping we do things differently here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I doubt there are 50K people who heard about Leofinance.
In fact, outside Hive, I am sure there are not even 5,000 people who are aware of it.
So there is an enormous upside in that regard. Projectblank will help to bring a lot of people in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta