
Let's not even go there. As much as they're prepared hygienically and won't cause harm when mixed together.

i am very selective when it comes to food. I don't eat anything.

Chicken stroganoff with beans, a lot of people say it's not good to combine the two, but I add it at the same time with rice and other things and eat it well haha. I love eating and it is very satisfying to try new foods throughout our lives.

Soaking garri with pineapple, my friends find it weird but it's delicious 👀

that is very strange. how did she get to that point?

I saw grandma eating it, I tried it and fell in love
It's become addictive weird food for me 😂

I am on your friends side. this is weird!

Bread and noodles and bread and coconut. It just has this nice taste to it

you are weird girl.