So I see everyone has the urge to engage today. Here is a thread of 50-100 random questions. These can serve as conversation starter. Answer, read and engage with other participants . Let's have some fun!
So I see everyone has the urge to engage today. Here is a thread of 50-100 random questions. These can serve as conversation starter. Answer, read and engage with other participants . Let's have some fun!
I have actually never thought of this. I don't know lots of philanthropic organizations by name. However, It’d be an organization that'd utilize the money well.
how would you like the money to be utilised. The goal here is that the money is used for something you find valuable.
I would want the money to be used in a way that has a positive impact on people's lives. providing access to healthcare, or addressing environmental issues, I would want the funds to go towards making a meaningful difference in the world.
That'll certainly be tough to decide. Some charities take the money and not use it for the stated purpose
Bro! Where did you come from?
😂 haha I just joined the conversation. Am I not allowed?
Mr Comrade jumping from one conversation to another 😂
. 😂 oh comrade, I had to check well what conversation this one was even
well i don't know any philanthropic cause or charity organisation but I feel when the time comes and I want to make a donation it will have to be any charity organisation that has made helping orphans a priority.
that's a good plan. I believe if most people had the means they will help the less privileged. We only pray for the means to help.
Wow, certainly will be worth it. Those genuinely helping orphans are a blessing
What a good heart! Hehe
I'd donate to such organisation too if I have the opportunity
I would have to see which ones are available here in my city, but it would certainly be for some institution that helps sick or homeless children, after all, children are very vulnerable and do not have the life experience necessary to defend themselves.
that is very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Same for me. I would help the sick people cos honestly some sicknesses can be solved with operations that do not cost much
That's right, I believe that each place has its own cause and if I could help everyone, that's certainly what I would do, but if I had to choose, it would be something like that, we could help people a lot with surgeries or something like that. Food would also be a good way to help.
Very well said man, there are a lot of things in a lot of places $100000 can do, but like you, I will help the sick. With more healthy people, there are more people to work and provide for themselves and their families. Food is a god shout
That's a good one, many sick people can't get treatment because there is no money or access to good treatment
If I had $100,000 to donate, I'd choose to support the World Food Programme (WFP), which is the world's largest humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting hunger. The WFP provides food assistance to over 80 million people
This is really thoughtful of you, hunger is one thing that kills people around the world.
Thank you very much 🙏
this is very thoughtful.
I want to assume you have thought about this in the past.
Sure, I have
good to know
that would be an orphanage home, I visited one recently in Lagos and they needed money, the gifts of noodles and rice people ring is never enough, they need to eat swallow foods and souo
That is very thoughful. Seems a lot of people care about orphans here. It is good to see. May God provide for us so we can help those in need.
Hmm I've thought of this a thousand times, and I wouldn't give it to just one charity organisation. They say charity begins at home, so what I would do is tackle some things in my state. Help pay some kids school fees,
this nice. Hope you have the means to achieve this soonest
thank you, and I hope so too
Catching them young is the way to go my dear.
yeah, and that's
I'll donate that huge amount to different charities that deals with skills aquisation for teenagers and young adults, also helping unpriveledge children get education
that sounds like a solid plan.
I would definitely give it out to charity and that’s because I love to help the poor but needy people as a form of giving back to the community
That's a very gesture bro. Well done
yeah, giving back is the aim and I wish to one day make my community happy and excited
Amen bro, I hope and pray you are able to help your community one day
Yeah for sure, we hoping for the best indeed
And the best will come and be good God willing
Yeah, praying and hoping for the best man, first time you speaking sense small, lol
Oh man, I always speak sense oo.
Better person Abu 😁
Come and give me too, I'm in need of your money
Ah, see this one too oo, do you want to rob me abi lol
I'll donate it to a hospital bro. There are a lot of sick people out there who could do with just small cash to better their health
If you look at these kids, they're way worse than kids in the orphanage believe me
It is so difficult to choose, I would go to an environmental one and also one to give food for the needed. I think keeping this two paths of helping is important for humanity
nice one. Good to see you care about humanity. I don't 🤣
Hahahha I care because I have kids! lol I want to do the maximum to not screw them!! haha I will die maybe in maximum 40 years I dont know! My legacy is doing my maximum to give some sort of good condition for them.
I answered this in a threadstorm.
lol thank you. I am just sharing my observation
Hmmm, reading books was really fun with me in my basic level, but then I think at the moment have been so lazy with reading books, but let me see can I even remember any of the books title, lol
Haha it's not just you o, I can't remember the last time I opened a book to read 😅
I did not read a lot of books while growing up, I think half of the yellow sun had a lot of effect on my life
Never heard of that book before but it's a good thing you remember it
That book is gifted hands by Doctor Benjamin Solomon Carson. I read the book when I was in junior class 1 and I still remember a lot from the book.
It is same for me, I read that book and the scenes have been in my head... Did you see the movie of that same story?
I haven't seen it, I don't know to get it but if I see an opportunity to do so I will grab it without a second thought.
You can have it downloaded, the title is "Gifted Hands"
Zara the Windseeker. I loved this book so much that I read it almost a thousand times 😂.
Wow it must have been a really interesting book, has a unique title too.
Yes it is. A friend of mine borrowed the book from me, and she never returned it to date, that was years ago. Trust me when I say I held a grudge for a very long time😂
Ahhh why did you friend do something like that na? 😂 Please forgive her o
I have forgiven her 😂, just that our friendship suffered a lot because of that incident 😂.
Hehe I get, stuffs like could cause a friendhsip to suffer
I don't remember a lot of them. I really should start reading a lot of books.
Even me too but I did read a lot during childhood, I was a lover of stories.
That's actually a good one.
this sometimes, depends on the situation, but to me I prefer working alone that team work
I work very well and fine with a team, it's tested and proved lol.
Yes, I can attest to this. I find it hard to work with many people. I end up taking too much responsibility.
with a team, so it can be shared and accomplished on time, I can also do it alone
I prefer to work alone, but I don't mind working with a competent team. I hate it when the team literally frustrates your effort because everyone is acting nonchalant
but we are a team now so you should be fine with me frustrating you.
Just dey play
alone most of the time get more done that way
Both of them. It all depends on whether he deserves it.
who is he? your boss?
wellobviously with team...
any reason for your answer?
Investing heavily in LEO and SPORTS in 2020. Many thought I was out of my mind.
I remember you made it big back in the day. Something's it pays to go against the tides.
Definitely. I was happy to have trusted my guts back then. It helped me fix my appartment.
good to know. Pray for more wins in the future.
wow, it's nice how you saw the greatness in hive from
Thanks friend. Hive is a great place and some projects are so healthy not to be missed at the early stage.
It turned out good right....That means it was a good risk.
It was one of the best decisions I have ever taken in the crypto space. I'm glad I trusted my judgement.
When I was driving very fast to go home, one day I almost crashed my car, I almost lost control of the car and hit a wall, I was quite scared, but thank God nothing bad happened.
i have had a near accident on the highway months ago. My tyre exploded. It was crazy. Fortunately for me, I was not driving fast. It pays to stay within the speed limi
Damn my friend, a tire exploding out of nowhere is crazy, it's something that's not within your expectations when you're driving and it's totally unpredictable, I really don't think much about this possibility when I'm driving.
yEah, it is terrible. I was just fortunate the day it happened. This is what I tell my partner, that driving is high risk. Anything can go wrong. So one has to be very careful.
Oh! Thanks goodness....we wouldn't be saying the same story today.
Borrowing money from a loan app and using it to enter futures trade on Binance. Guess what happened to to that money. Everything got burnt - Liquidated in front of my eyes. I lost $60 that day. That was the last time I did futures trade.
you are really brave. I could never. I don't even know what future trades is and I refuse to know 😭😭😭
Omo! I cried inside...There was no body I could even tell hahaha
you win some and you lose some. Don't fret. Not everyone one will be able to finish all the tasks.
I have taken a lot of risk but the one that almost made me cry was investing my school fee in shit coins like safemoon and freecoin. I almost did not pay school fee
Don't put your money in shitcoins.
Lesson learned the hard way right?
opening my own business
what type of business?
a variety and gift store, also opened a toy store
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/20)@nonsowrites! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
How did it go for you?
fine until my business partner took off with all the company money then it was a struggle but made it threw that
That wa so unfair....What did you do about it?
the cops took care of that but they never found the money so it became a tax write off for me
Wow! Sad.
People can't be trusted.
investing my school fee in a business that never worked out. I almost fainted when it crushed.
how were you able to cover for your school fees?
That's sad, knowing it never worked out.
How are things going now?
Crossing the road without looking at coming traffic because I was being chased my some guys. I almost got hit by a car and it was scary. The spontaneous crossing help me beat the guys away.
Why were the guys chasing after you?
Life risk ? hahahaha
Well at least in investing the whole idea of investing either in stocks or crypto I went through some big risks , lost some money already
That's one inevitable thing about crypto... Losing money is like crypto fashion lol
I answered this yesterday right?
Trade futures on binance with a borrowed money.
yes you did. How were you able to pay back though? Since you lost all of the money.
A friend gave me the money to pay back. I told the friend that I was going to payback as soon as I can. It is sad that I haven't been able to. Since 2021🤕
honestly it's been fun so far, I got to interact with pretty interesting people and not just that I'm increase my thread it's a win win.
well you can answer the question I this threadstorm and engage with other participants. 🙂 It is a win-win for all.
Yeah, threads is an interesting and fun place to be as always, I love threading and interacting with members, here enjoy
yea thread is always interesting and fun I love threading
hmm are you being honest or nah Zealy dey do you?
Have you achieved your goal already?
still on the process......
Oh this is nice, I'll have to open my brain of questions now. I could give a number to them I guess. Let my questions roll in now 🙂
I saw the threadstorm earlier, but my brain wasn't open to answer them lol
Lol is the brain opened now?
I have finished answering all the questions there....we need a new thread storm. LoL
Lol even I have done that too, I wonder what other threadstorm idea we could get.
I wonder too.
are you planning on scamming me Merit? Talk now so I will know.
Just tell me first, I will let you know if it's a scam or I want to advise you more 😝
Hmmm, this is a hard question but a good one, I have no one at the moment, hmm
Haha I do have one though
oh that's nice for you then, I will also find one too soon
I thought of this last week, the truth is no one has access to my account. The few people who had access did me dirty and I stopped sharing.
Hmm too bad, you got unlucky
OOO wow this is a serious question. If you're talking about hive account, my big bro does but if you're talking about bank account, none of my family members have the details. there's nothing in my bank account 😅
Lol abi na, is account that have money that we would be thinking of who to keep it safe 😂
Naso oooo, If scammers call me now to get my details I would wholeheartedly give it to them and wish them a goodluck 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Scamming gone wrong na be that o 😂
Dem look person wey dem go scam of all the people in the world na me, Dem just dey play. I can imagine their conversation after discovering they have been played.
🤣🤣🤣 That moment of a scammer getting scammed 😂
my brother knows my details and if not I have a secret diary that contains stuff about me.
That's a good one, I also have a secret diary 😁
My younger sister and My roommate. I trust them with most of my personal details
Wow your roommate is a rare one, I guess you found yourself an amazing roommate unlike manu stories we hear
Yeah, I did. I have experienced those not so great roommates. Maybe one day I will tell the story
Oh then, I'll be looking forward to reading from you.
Hmmm, for now nobody. I have told my partner before, but I am sure he has forgotten, unless I write it down lol
Having it written down somewhere is good too, maybe someone close should know you have it written there too.
Yeah, you're not wrong.
ideally in my country but things are not looking good on this side of the world. I have dreamt of living Denmark. I think it is a very peaceful place. So it won't be bad to have a home there.
Oh that's a nice place to hang out then,
That's a good choice of place, I've heard a lot about the peace there
I would chose Korean on first impulse but I think I'll need somewhere more peaceful and quiet
Hehehe, this lady has sent her Korean movies stylish here to, lol
Leave me alone, I didn't do that intentionally 😂
Hahaha, so you went to loot and now you are back flooding me with replies lol
Your girl need to loot too na 😁
Well, I'm back
What's happening?
Hmmm, nothing much is happening here, I also just came back though
All these Ko Jun Piyo girls 😂, I hope I got the spelling
Allow us to breathe 😂
You didn't spell it well but I know what you mean
hmmm... I have high aspirations, if I don't get to travel out, I want a serene environment in an estate in Nigeria
Oh, wow, that is so nice to hear, being at quite places is a good idea and I love that idea too
This is another thing that keeps me awake at night, do I want to base abroad or even in Nigeria that's the first question and I am finding it difficult to answer.
hmmm, man abroad is alway the best place no matter whatever we have here in Africa lol
back in my home state of Florida
Oh, that is nice to hear, I wish to visit Florida one day, I learnt that place is cool to stay and safer as compared to some other states
it is a very nice place the west coast of Florida is the best
Ohk, thanks for that tip, I am really glad for that
your welcome
Oh, thanks for the tip, I am really grateful for those Pizzas
in order not to confuse people, just answer and engage with other answering. Thank you.
Or you can create a separate threadstorm if you fancy the idea.
Oh sorry about the confusion, would do that then.
I think my approach to Cryptocurrency and hive, I think I approached it wrongly and need to approach it in a different manner.
It's almost same for me my dear 🥲
I was going to focus 100% on some kind of business that I had thought of putting into practice. I'm thinking of doing it next year then, but I need to see how I'm going to do it and if I'll be able to support myself
I wish you all the good luck you need to succeed in that, it's a good idea
I would join the zealy campaign s I missed fromm the start. I would go out more and
make my hair more😂
Haha you will get the chance to going forward 😁
I don't think I would have done anything differently. I did everything I wanted to do and I don't regret a thing
That's a amazing to know, even I can't think of anything I regret doing this year.
Plan the financial aspects of my life well.
That's just it. If there is money, other things will be settled
My dear, that's it o... With money, many things just fall in place.
That's just it.
Oh, for this one I will say my Uncle, he has really helped me a lot till date
Wow! That's a rare case, many uncles aren't as supportive or maybe it's my own side 😂
Yeah, but that was my father's junior bro, and he is very caring I must say, caring for me till I complete Uni isn't a joke
My mom and dad are the only people that have got me, they have been my supporters from day one and are rooting for me. Inowe them everything
It is same for me, especially my dad 🥺 I am grateful to have them.
my mum most definitely, God bless for me
my mum definitely, the woman is to too good... A mother's love surpasses anything else
Indeed, mothers are the best everywhere.
My mom and younger sister any day. They are the two people I know I can call at any time and they would always answer and be there to help.
So lovely, not many have such a younger sister to rely on. You're blessed
my better half she always has by back
That is romantic and lovely 😍
Hmmm.....Maybe all of them...My nuclear family.
That is beautiful ❤️
This is a really difficult question, maybe if I was outside Nigeria I would chosen Nigeria.
Lol yeah, I thought of that too but you're in Nigeria already so which country? 😂
If it's not my dream country then I will go in for Canada, I want to experience some snow life small, hahaha
Lol snow lover spotted, I'm actually finding difficulty on which country to choose 😅
oh really, we have been on this hot sun for a while let me go out there and freeze myself for a while haha
Haha very important o
The heat nowadays is something else
I am telling you, let's fly and experience that breeze outside there some lol,
We fly together, what do you think? 😁
China. I'd like to see how things are over there, how they manage to produce so much and become great powers.
Even I am curious too, would be quite an adventure to explore all that.
Yes. If you manage to survive until it's time to leave, it will be quite an experience.
Lol why did you say it like that? What could make me not survive? 😂
Well, the country is very authoritarian, if you go against one of the rules you can end up being arrested. And sometimes some of our customs are forbidden in other places.
that would be Rwanda, because I have always wanted to visit the place and that's it
Wow I've never heard of that place, where is it located at?
ohk, that’s seems great idea to engage more here today, I am ready for this man let’s keep it going
My biggest mistake was investing my school fee in shit coins and biggest fear is losing my parents. We all have different fears, and hopefully we are able to bfight it.
Oh that's bad one, at least you learnt better. Everyone dreads losing a loved one 😒
Being a mediocre person
not starting another business
I guess you could still do that next year right?
If things go right I will do that
Hmm, a very hard one to answer of course, depending on who I am giving to,
Yeah, it is a hard one really!
someone you just have to keep on giving since it’s generous work you are doing for the person
Same thought here, it's hard but doable
yeah, very hard indeed,
We have all encountered people like this before, my own take is don't let people like this change you or stop you from offering help.
Well said, I think same too... Such people exist to test us, we must not fall.
No, that would be the last time someone like that gets any help from me. I am big on gratitude and I expect the same. I don't care how little the help may seem, be grateful
Hmm another approach to the question, others kept saying they would continue helping the person.
It's doable but very hard.
Lol, I guess others are a lot nicer than me. Different stroke for different folk I guess
Haha that's true, it doesn't mean you're not a nice person obviously
Hmmm, I take my time to analyze the situation and know how best I can approach it, if it needs more time, I leave it behind and play games to cool my small head lol
Haha games and Abu are 5 & 6 😅 well, glad you know what to do to stay calm
Yeah, I know when I marry, I will need a wife that loves games too, if not we shall fight every day lol
Lol that makes a lot of sense, I hope you get lucky with such 😊
Haha, it will really be fun playing game with my wife and out score her, hahah, I will laugh at her the whole day lol
Just look at your plans, what a husband you'll be! 😂
First of all I panic 😂, panicking is normal before you then think about how to go about the situation and how to go about it
Yeah, it wouldn't be an issue if you didn't panic lol
I try to take some time to be alone and think of ways to solve the problem.
Taking time alone always tend to work for many, nice move
My brain started scanning for every possible solution and if I need to vent, I call my mum or fiancé
Good move, I do call mum a lot of times too during such times
investigate the situation and make a decision
That's wise, I'd do same
which is what I am doing
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/20)@merit.ahama! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
Super active, do yo know the level of joy that comes with being able to achieve your goals??
It's the best feeling in the world.
Haha I can't say it's the best feeling in the world but I know just how well that feels like.
I don't let my goals get to deadline before working on them but if that happens I don't give up. If I have a goal, I will make sure I meet the goal. Whatever it takes
I also try not to work close to deadlines, it makes my work look hazard.
get as busy as you can and go for it
I am sorry, I can't even sing not even the first lyrics of any song lol
so you don't listen to music
Nope, I don't listen to music, are you surprised about that lol
I am shocked bro, is it even possible bro i can't sing and at same time cant do without music.
Oh wow, it is very possible, by the way, I am too religious and our religion frowns upon music and so I stay away from it
Hmmm! I'm just learning about this, interesting 👀
Many songs. I am addicted to music, I play and listen to more than 10 songs a day. and each song I play depends on my mood at the moment.
Wow a music lover spotted, I'm a huge fan of music too 😊
I can sing a few songs though, singing is not really my thing because of my voice. I avoid singing Everytime.
Lol you should learn, music is fun 🙂
I do like music but singing is a no.
that's I loy by psquare
Hmm I'm not sure I know that song but I know Psquare very well
Nicki Minaj - High School, Billie Eilish - Bored, Billie - 8, Billie - Therefore I am, They are plenty sha
Wow she's a fan of Billie, I'm becoming a fan slowly too 😊
lonely at the top by asake. I just love the song
Haha recent release, it's the only song I know well enough from Asake 😅
You making this a lot easy for us is something good, making 50 threads is something quite difficult.
Yeah, but remember engaging is also the key to get there
we rise by lifting others. We all can win together despite popular opinion.
A phrase that never gets old 💯
Yeah, I smiled when I saw this threadstorm of questions... Easy way out hehe.
At least engaging in the questions can help you achieve a lot without needing to stress so much.
i don't think I have someone I look up to in that way.
Hmm, that is interesting to me maybe my MOM
If I must say one person, it would be my dad. Not sure what would have happened to my life without him as my dad.
Oh, that is so interesting to hear, our dads are always cool and supportive to us no matter how stubborn we are
Oh I can't even start explaining how stubborn I am to that man 😂
I know, the way you disturb indicates you have really threatened him for a very long time lol
ueah, definitely my dad, he is the true definition of a family man, attends to responsibilities at the right time even when it's tough
That's a true definition of a man who knows what is responsible for, not many men can do that
Hmmm, maybe I would go to a KFC joint and have some expensive meal of course with some smoothie, MMmmm, yummy
KFC chicken are always too greasy. I should to like it but not anymore. I rather have home made chicken.
Yeah, the oily is too much now, home chicken too is nice as well
OOooo please give me tea and bread, I can't go a day without it. I literally take it everyday so if i could have a free meal every day then it would be tea and bread.
lol tea and bread. That's interesting. Mine is beans. I can eat beans anything with almost anything. Just give me beans. 🫠
Haha see my beans loving paddy here 😂 eating it with almost anything is just amazing!
Beans is life my friend. Who know know...
Am not really a big fan of beans but I love to pair it with other food such as rice, yam or plantain. You know that feeling when you're eating beans with fried ripe plantain and fish?
brooo... beans....
beans??? How will someone choose beans? It never crosses my mind unless mom cooks it and I had no choice than to eat it.
no beans slander is allowed here. Beans is an elite food. 😭
I can't remember the name of the food chain in ibadan but they sell everything from rice to swallow and all... Its definitely tgat
Tim Hortons the would have the best choices
I do enjoy junk food, so I think eating junk for life won't be a bad idea for me.
Well, we will have to pray you don't fall sick easily. Junks aren't healthy
This is a hard one. I pick Cold stone, I don't want the same taste of food but Ice cream? Always
you and your sweet tooth. DO you think you can live off ice cream? I give you another chance to pick something else (like me)
I don't know such things and I don't want to know. I stand with my decision young man
i will not get you ice cream if you don't do my bidding....
Ain't that a bit*h, thankfully, I have my own money
na so dem dey talk. Dey play.
I went to the market to help arrange my parent's stuffs before coming to school
Lol because you are the only child or the only person fit for the errand abi 😂
Hahaha, currently I am the only person fit for that kind of errand, lol need to ride a motor bike to the market and get hahaha
Ahhh excuse Lord 😂
Go and come and take your punishment 😅
Hahaha. what kind of punishment, I am over aged for punishment now lol
Just be playing, it will shock you 😂
My dad asked me not to leave because I did not do the dishes the previous day. She was just looking at me, it was written all over her face she didn't believe my story
Normally, she should have just flogged you... That's unbelievable na
I said I lost track of time, meanwhile I have being constantly checking my watch so I go meet
Ahhh what is this o 🤣
Frank Edwards-Imela is that song for me, I was suck when the sing was released and it was played all over the hospital. Each time I hear the song I remember when I was in the hospital
I love that song as well. There were times I would sing it and tears will roll down my cheeks. God indeed has been faithful. If I think about where I was earlier this year and where I am now, I have everything reason to be grateful to God.
Aw that must make you remember no so good memories.
Halo by Beyonce, that song reminds me of when my best girl in school suddenly ghosted me according to her, we are no longer in the same level.
wahala...not on the same level in what regards. Anyways, you are better off not having such people in your space.
You know what they say about being a big guy/girl overnight??? That was the case. she suddenly grew up, fashion/ boyfriends and stuffs like that. Am glad she left, would have been a bad influence on me.
Sorry about that but yeah, I'm happy you're glad about it. People come and go anyways
That's just the truth, people come and go but what's most most important is staying true and not changing your values just to fit in.
Exactly! Your values are what brings respect to you and keep the people you have around
Oh wow, what an excuse for completely strange behaviour. This friend was no friend
Irene Cara - What a feeling - It takes me back to the high school, when I have to make a presentation to a lot of people hahaha
i hated those sort of tasks. I have never been comfortable infront of many people. The few times I have done a presentation, I ended up forgetting what I had to say.
I understand. I'm not very comfortable with it either. Do you have a strategy when you have to give a presentation or do you just go and do it?
I Rather do the work and have someone else do the talking. Outside school, I haven't had to do any form of presentation.
😂 how did the presentation go
Well, this one is really memorable and funny. I had to do an unusual dance, wearing very tight clothes hahah luckily we won the competition.
😂 haha what kind of dance was it
Idk, I just replicated everything I was taught. But is something related to some pop musics
Oh okay, it's good you did it well. I'm certain you have videos of it hidden somehwere
Fun fact: I almost broke my left arm before the presentation, and had to lift a girl with a bandaged arm.
EIsh, that would have been really to do and achieve. You must be really skillful to have been able to do it
Once I was 18 years old lo.... its been a while
There are a lot of songs, it is hard to school a particular one...Let me just say 'Soledad my Westlife:
oh you grew up listening to Westlife? How nice. I was born during that era. My favourite Westlife track happens to be "queen of my life"
Well, not just Westlife alone, but their songs was great to.... They are still evergreen.
It’s unfortunate I am not a fan of music, maybe none, let me check next question then
okay this is the first time I am hearing this. You don't like music? Why?
Yeah, I am very religious, and as Muslim it is not good listen to music and that has kept me restricted from that
oh interesting. I have learnt something new. Thank you.
Yeah, knowledge is good to be shared always, I am glad to share
Should I say it? 😹
feel free and say it, if only you will speak the truth hahaha
Naa, I don't want to bad mouth you to the entirety of InLeo. I'll keep your secrets
Speechless by Michael Jackson, a moment with my my childhood crush lol.
miss. Crusher. I think mine would be "missing you" by PIDDY. It's one of the first songs I can remember hearing.
Lol I've never heard that song before, might check it out.
here you go:
Haha what a song! I love the beat
😂 drop that childhood crush name comrade
there is this song they sang in 50 shades of grey I can't remember the title but it definitely has me locked up at that point
Oh the songs in 50 shades were great. Describe the scene and I'll see if I can help you with the song
A thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton is the one I can never forget but for me different songs take me back to different times.
what time those it take your to? Tell me. I want to know more...
I don't think you are ready for that answer. Thank you very much
Tell me oo...I am ready.
That will be see you again by Wiz Khalifa. I dedicated that song to a special friend when I was going away to a different region
So many songs... Now O think in Leave out all the rest of Linkin Park
The song "Fake fine by Robert Grace" always remind me of the time I was battling with depression.
interesting. I am not sure I have heard it.
Let her go by passenger. I love this music so much!! It just makes me so nostalgic whenever I listen to it.
oh i love love passenger. he is one of my favourite artistes. you have goof taste
He is a great artist, his music always feels my soul and they're just so easy to relate to.
Thank you
yeah his songs are very relatable, that is what i fancy about his music. all the little lights is still my favourite album from his discography
Same here, That's my favorite and also the first Album of his I listened to.
thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran
That song reminds me of a special someone 🤗
who is that special someone...share with us.
my patner 🥰
I hope if I say I will use them wrongly you won't give me bombastic side eyes 😂. I might visit the bank and the rest is history.
I was thinking the same thing too my G so don't worry. We both are in the same boat. Smooth criminals 🤣
Smooth criminals that I will catch as an invisible thief catcher 😂
We must survive
Ahhhh see levels, I won't even look at you that way. Just share the money with us 😂
Surely I will share oo, it's our money after all
Lol that's good then, Goodluck stealing invisibly
😂 you deserve more than a side eye bro. How much would you take from the bank
There's an amount I might say now and you call me greedy 😂, amount is better kept to myself but it won't be small money
😂 wow, I'm even scared to know this amount now. It's best you have kept it to yourself. You want to empty the bank
It's obvious you will empty any bank you visit, I'll suggest you aim at Central bank 😂
I am thinking world bank 😂😂. God knows why we don't have super powers though.
hmmm... Funny but would use it to submit my cv to top official spots and again I could use it to get money from corrupt politicians
lol how to do you plan to get money from corrupt politicians?
I would be invisible na, and I would find my way past their tight security 😂
lol but why would you fight corruption with corruption. Stealing from the corrupt is still stealing
😂 this is a strange one. Submitting your CV doesn't guarantee you a job right? The money part I get
that's why I said to top officials table not any how place
😂 haha okay, I understand now. What kind of job will you go for
Lol how did you even think this up? I mean the CV part.
exactly the thing on my mind, those leaders need to collect.
Become the ultimate spy, uncovering hidden truths, exposing injustices and also sneak into movie theaters without paying 😂
sounds like Sherlock Holmes to me 😭🤣🤣
Yeah, I would be greater than Sherlock Holmes
I would do.positive things that would make my life and the society better peradventure I lose the power
what are some of the supposed "good" things you would do. More context please 😏
I created a thread storm for that, did you see it 😁
oh, this will have been crazy indeed, I would try to solve all these corruptions we have in our governments by revealing their secrets
lol so you want to spy on your government. How do you think that would turn? If the government is being exposed will that even change anything?
Yeah, our leaders are dupping all the monies, we need to report them so they can do the right thing for us
lol who are we going to report them to when they are the ones leading us 😭
Hahah, but if we expose those freaking and nasty stuffs they do with our monies, we can at least do a coup lol
😅 corrupt man like you solving corruption problems. Wow
Hahaa, I am not as corrupt as you are though, so I am okay hahaha
😂 haha you know you are lying
to listen to the conversations of governments and other major powers. I would like to know in depth their strategies for holding the population hostage, as well as making people idolize many of them
Nah I don't care for the government just a bunch of clowns! We know about that and we don't need proofs for that lol
Got it. Really, they'd have more useful things to do with that superpower.
But that doesn't seem to solve anything if it was possible
Yeah, it wouldn't really solve anything. Especially since, if you tell the population what the governments are up to, many will think it's nonsense, others will even believe it, but they won't want to do anything.
Same here, I would absolutely do the same thing. I really want to know how they think
Rob a Yarn store, yes I said it. I am taking every single yarn I find in that store
I knew it from the very first day i set my eyes on you that you are a criminal...now you have confirmed it.
😅 😂 Just dey play, do you know how expensive yarn is now. I would do anything for free yarn abeg
come let me buy you yarn but you will something for me 😏
😂 this is wierdly nice. You have a lot of work to do
🤣🤣 They won't know what hit them and I would be happy for months
🤣🤣 whilst you're happy in your home, they would scratch their heads forever thinking what went wrong
I would enter into the offices of our leaders to hear and see how they really rule us. I want to hear what they say behind closed doors
I am not sure you will hear anything good because they are al dullards
😂 that wouldn't surprise me cos all they know is to take money and not do any work
🤣🤣 big belly old men who want money like that. Chai
I might also sneak on a plane and travel to Singapore 😂
i love singapore. it is one of the best countries in the world.
Finally someone says what I have been saying all my life. Man, a lot of friends ask why Singapore and still aren't convinced when I explain
I'll use them for live in peace and quiet.
interesting. Is English your first language ?
Nop, it's Spanish. Why?
I will take back everything, they took from my family
WHo are "they"?
evil relatives and uncle. In summary, village people
don't you have such experiences?
For sure it would be to stay quiet without anyone bothering me for a while, that would be a good vacation of people hehe
Oou, this is going to be hard indeed, like I don't just know what to do at the moment, but maybe do more good so I can enjoy in the hereafter.
Haha even I wouldn't know but they say you never until it happens to you 😅 I hope it never happens though.
I think spending time with loved ones will do the magic, spending your last moments with the people you love will leave you smiling as you go.
That is true, we should do that as often as we can
I would just want to be calm, not doo gragra in my last minute.. Peaceful last moment
I don't know. I try not to think of thing like that but I think I would most likely spend it with my family and get my affairs in order. I don't think 1 day would be enough though
I will part to God and ask for forgiveness of all my sin.
Oh, there was this my friend in Junior High I used to do everything with, going to classes and also having personal studies, He is currently in Canada and I am hoping to connect back with him soon
that's great. Fortunately for me most of my close pals are within reachable distance. I am grateful for that ...
Oh, that's nice to hear, I wish to see my man again one day
With one friend in particular, we were great friends and talked directly, but unfortunately over time we grew apart and today I no longer have any contact with her. It hurts a little when special people leave like that.
we all have that friend. Most of my friends are in different cities and it is difficult to say in touch. And trying to do so only makes things more difficult. People come and people leave.
Well, the complicated thing is that I look for her name and try to find it on social networks, but nothing, I don't know how she would be or what her number would be to try to search and find it, anyway, the way for now is to just keep the good ones moments in memory.
I understand. Hopefully you get to reconnect with her soonest.
though this is true but if I had a friend that I truly care about, I will visit them maybe not everytime. Here I thought people come and leave was meant for hurtful encounters, you could actually lose good friends due to distance.
mercy, my friend that has traveled out of the country, we do talk but not like back when we were bffs
awwn.. this whole yapa thing is separating friends and families. Hopefully you guys get to reunite sometime soon.
My favourite seat mate in primary school 😩
I had a classmate called Philemon back then in primary school, we were so close but got separated and then I had no phone. I really want to know his wayabout.
It's really amazing what having a phone can do, if only you had one then.
My friend, we went to school together and suddenly lost touch after school
that is unfortunate. Have you tried to look for the said friend?
I tried reaching out to people who knew her as well and the last I heard was that she had traveled out of the country
wow! maybe you guys will get to meet someday. the world is interconnected. Distance is not a factor that separates people anymore...
I hope so too.
I don't know, everyone who I have fallen out of touch with did something I couldn't forgive. So I don't have thoughts of reconnecting with them
What are some of the unforgiveable things in your books?
Mostly betrayal/ disrespect. I rarely forgive those 2 things and I don't mean surface level disrespect
What is the most disrespectful thing someone has done to you?
I think that would be stealing from me and lying about it. Also same person, tried to off me.
You have not shared this story..I will like to hear it this evening...behind closed doors... :)
No one comes to mind. Actually, I would have mentioned an old friend but the fact is that not all friendship would last forever.
There is a whole life friend, that when I migrated to Canada I missed the whole connection that I had with him, we used to hang out a lot!
With myself 🧘🏻♂️.
oh my mom, not like we don't connect just it's been 8 years since I last saw her, I really miss her, I used to feel people with both their parents are super lucky.
8 years? why?
well she's no longer married to ma dad. Hehe😂
oh sorry about that but you can still attempt to see her. 8 years is a really long time
oh I'm still under my dad's family so I can't just go there, I need to plan well so I don't get myself into trouble.
that is sad. Hope you get to reunite with your mum.
Hmmmm, no one. Crazy right? But it is the truth LOL
you keep grudges ? 😏
Don't you?
The day my dad who's opened to everybody told us to avoid a certain man in the village, I was shocked to have received such an advice from him.
Do marry after you finish school, and that was coming from my Uncle, I was surprised until now
Why was that surprising? You don't want to get married? 😂
Heh, don't want to get married like how, by then I was too small lol
Lol really? I thought it was recently 😂
Hahaha, but I was grown too, lol hahaha, my level 300 then heheh
Hmm this guy! 👀 So you found marriage shocking at that age too? 😂
It is not an advice per say, but "it is not awkward unless you make it awkward, it's not embarrassing unless you are embarrassed" that has helped me a lot
Hmm...interesting take. It all boils down to perspective at the end of the day.
The most unexpected piece of advice I received was from a mentor who told me that: "Sometimes, the best way to find your way is to get lost."
hmm ...that's deep. I have been lost so many times. It's always in those moments of uncertainty I find clarity.
Yeah, thanks for acknowledging my reply.
don't mention.
I can't remember LOl
I feel like I am on a hot seat right now. LOL
of course you are ...I want to get all the juicy details. Spill the tea 🤣
It is no longer spill the bean, abi? LoL
Do you think you are intelligent enough to change the world?
i honestly don't care about the world that much. Everyone can make a difference in their sphere. We should all start small and if or when given the opportunity do something bigger.
Yeah, that is a great advice, starting small and developing it to become bigger is the key
I really want to know what the future holds, I think I Will ask the being about my future. The future scares me sometimes
How to enjoy life without regretting it in the future?
I think being present is the way to go. Not getting sucked in the past or future. That is how I try to live my life. It takes a lot of practise.
Great. Try to learn from everything that's happened. Even good things in the past can be bad, because they make you want to go back to that moment of happiness and cause discouragement because there's no longer any chance of that happening.
Why am I so broken.
lol you might also have the answer to this question if you look deep...
The question I would ask would be: "How everything on earth was formed."
Why though? Why do you want to know?
I'm a scientist and I'm naturally curious.
interesting. what branch of science do you special in?
Chemistry, and almost everything on earth has to do with chemistry
well i was a science student in high school so i know a little about chmeistry. I ended up majoring in banking and finance
what's an all-knowing being?
a God if you believe in one...
okay, yes I believe in God naa.
I accused my brother of giving my shoes out not knowing I was wrong, it was stolen from our doorstep. Later found the thief and I could not look my brother in the eyes.
Many times, I realize I am wrong when we are arguing sometimes but I like to see you explain yourself so I just keep going. 😅
i put it to you young woman, you are a wicked person.
I put it to you young man, this is not news to you. You know what you're getting into
i know nothing. you deceived me...
when I found out my business partner took off with all of the cash
where you able to get your money back?
no I was not he took off out of the country
ownin my 300L first semester, got so broke that I could hardly afford to eat twice a day. That was my most humbling moment all my life and I don't want such an experience again.
Nothing dey humble me, pride full my body 😂😂
I bin know....Big B energy. that is all you give...
when I had to shut down one of my businesses
ah! I have been there. It was not a good feeling. I had to start from the very beginning. Thankfully, we survived that phase.
It is not an easy thing to go threw
I really don't get this question, but I will still answer how I understand it. Reliving any day of my life, I think I will be relieving my Monday too stressful for my liking.
the question refers to a moment in time you will like to relive. For me it would be a day with my late dad. I miss him.
You did way better than expected, you really tried that's exactly what younger me would say. I have come far, way more than I expected and I am grateful to God.
i share your sentiment mate. It's been a journey and I am proud of where I currently am. Never thought I would get here on my own.
My younger version would think I became the better version of me and suddenly grew up. I used to be a naughty kid.
thank God for growth. I was a little rascal myself. But I grow fine and gentle. Things and people change eventually with time
Sure. Sometimes I just think about how better I have become and I can't help but smile. I am still a little naughty and stubborn but in a Godly way yhunno!! lastborn's vibe.
I think she would be proud of who I am today, proud of the fact that we stayed true to ourselves despite everything.
you are doing amazing darling. You've come a long. And I am honoured to be part of your journey
I would definitely go in for the King and the brave one, LION. They are fearless and also the king in the Jungle
i don't know, but I like panda. They are fun and stupid. I think you get the best out of life when you don't know too much.
P.s a group of panda is known as an embarrassment 🤣
Hahaha, Panda is a cool animal to be too, I like them too
I have always liked wolves though they are barbaric, I think living as a wolf will be fun
Haha, wolves are brave too and that's a cool option too, it will really be fun indeed
can I combine the kind of animal i want to be? Cause I'd love to be a lion but with cheetah speed, elephant smartest. Cuz just being king doesn't mean you have it all.
olivia twist, You want it all don't you? Haha. I have said previously that i would like to be a panda. THey are cute and lazy, just like me.
😂🤣🤣🤣 the Olivia twist got me ooh, I love panda too they are cute and just fall off tress like it's nothing. If you were one I'd adopt you😂❤️🔥
Probably, As a Panda, they are well protected because they are an endangered species and they are well taken care of by humans and also they are lazy 😂
Most of them do think that I am a talkativev lol, maybe because of how I treat them at first
most be a nice dude. I am very intimating. Most people think I am wicked (I am actually). However, when they get to know me, they realise that I am a fun guy.
Hahaha, that is how things looks, until you get to interact and know the person more, you will always be holding a wrong perception about the person
Strangers often assume I am proud and Very anti-social which that's wrong but who cares??? certainly not me. You have to know someone first before judging them or their character.
people view me the same way and I don't have a problem with that because they often don't step on my toes. Once people know you are kind hearted they want to take advantage of you.
That's just the point, they tend to take you for granted. I just like being me and not caring about other people's opinion as far as they don't add value to life.
that is the best way to love your life. Everyone is entitled to their opinion at the end of the day and that doesn't define who you are as a person.
I totally agree! Everyone has their own opinions, and that's what makes life interesting. It's all about staying true and enjoying the life. Thanks for the reminder!
The same thing they think about me, all because I cannot associate, they conclude it's pride
It's interesting how perceptions can be misleading. It's not pride; I sometimes find it challenging to associate. I appreciate your understanding and would love the chance to connect in a way that feels comfortable.
Another way people judge and it annoys me is by my lips, I have very dark lips and they just conclude I got it by smoking.
Haha, it's funny how people assume! I've always had dark lips, nothing to do with smoking. Genetics, you know?
That I'm agitated by listening thrash metal
they assume am a snub because I don't talk too much
And I mind my business
let them assume. It is far better than "see finish"
They always assume I am a very proud person all because I find it difficult to associate with people I do not know, so they stay from an angle and assume it's pride
That I am a nice, sweet girl that can intimidate. I use that to my advantage most times, other time I let them know I am crazy
lol, first of get that house, and then maybe a good wife to manage it and then I get myself some luxury car and a pool. then I am good to go
i have the wife. It remains the house and luxury 😭
Hahaha, goodluck with that man, for me I have zero lol
if money was not an issue I trust my house would be extra decorated, cushion from one of the most famous companies will be in my sitting room
you love curtains? What type of curtains would you be getting? Do you have any design in mind?
A new house before the luxury! :D
fAir enough...
An indoor swing, if that is a thing
taking notes *
indoor swimming pool
The Bible. Still changes. It's my best and surest motivation and inspiration plug.
The four hour workweek by Timothy Ferriss. He gives several tips on how to make time to do the things you enjoy, automating tasks and delegating those that take you too long to do
that seems like a good read. I will give it a look. Thanks for sharing
Think and grow rich, that books contain a lot in there
i don't really do books, while growing up I read little to nothing except if I was forced.
same here but I learnt to love books in my teens. They were fundamental blocks to my growth. Without them I don't know if I would be where I am today.
for now it the "left to tell" by immaculee illibagiza, during the Rwanda holocaust
Yeah, like twice or more, this trading platforms where you go in for high or low, they scammed us
the second scam was in online affiliate marketing where the company ran away with a lot of monies
I have not fallen for a scam before, I have seen people fall and it's really sad.
yeah too bad, these Facebook scams of send stuffs abroad and getting sticked at custom offices then pay to realeaa you goods because there is dollars inside
I have never fallen for a scam o. Daughter of man is always very careful
but you fell in love with me 🙃
In other words, you are a scammer? sorry to you
the game is the game my love.
If I don't return from an errand before my mom's spit dries up, there's a belief that my navel would rot.
🤣 that's funny. I had fear for the police for some weird reason and I always used that to scare me. I still do fear/hate the police, so I guess some things never change
Police are your friends dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's what I was taught in school, Why fear your friends?
my friend doesn't extort me or try to kill me. I despise the Nigerian police. I have been through hell in their hands for absolutely nothing.
ooo So sorry about that dear friend, The Nigerian Police makes us wonder whether that phrase is actually true. I hope the Government do something about that, the can't keep harassing people and getting away with it.
the government cannot do something about a problem they benefit from. That's a discussion for another day.
I believed India won Nigeria 99:1 in a football match and that was the last time they participated in a world cup tournament
We were all told that story as kids. Lol I believed it for a very long time, even down to my teenage years only to discover that it was far from the truth. How did this stories fly though?
That coconut water would make me dumb and I have to get to a certain age to take it. Turns out that man(my father) just did not want to share the coconut water with me
lol ... This is the first time I am hearing this one. They fooled you 🤣
The extraction is the movie man
that would be the twilight saga... I always love that vampire movie
I never get tired of watching Titanic, that movie was epic for me.
interesting. I have seen the movie once and i cried like a baby. I dont like movies that traumatize me.
I am yet to see a movie that can make me cry 😂, I can be sad but tears rolling down my eyes us nearly impossible
Game of Throne, The Gentlemen, The Modern Family, Prison Break and many more
you have good taste. I like it 😏
The fake products in Nigeria, i was shocked how almost everything we have been consuming is fake. The shocking part is it's difficult to differentiate the fake from the original
Yeah that has been trending for a while now. It is sad actually. I am just going to stay away from as i can from processed food. That is the only way to stay safe in this country now.
that the Edo state government is planning to pay a 13th month salary to workers as palliatives... Hmmm we hope
I have not watched the news in a long time. I think it was when one state government (I have forgotten which) said he would give his workers 40% raise cause of the inflation or something like that
na lie! Which governor won do that one for this naija.
Wenesday, a netflix series. For some weird reasons, I keeping going back to rewatch it. I kinda like the Wenesday character.
that would be the series "celebrity" a Korean show
The Modern Family. I am sure if the cast could talk, they would say they are tired of me. I have seen it over 10 times now and I enjoy it every single time
you have been trying to get me to watch. I am sure I will soon enough.
You will because I will force you to. There is no escaping me
we shall see about that woman!
never have binge watched a show never had that much spare time
A coursemate said something else, and I heard something else 😂. We almost had issues that day before he repeated what he said earlier. They all laughed at me.
lol do tell us what that something was that almost made you fight...
That day I still regret till date, I was just in my room when friends came in and said they were going to get suya and I decided to follow them with my jersey shorts only for them to enter a very big eatery with so many people.
lol complete the story, what happened? spill the tea.
on my graduation, I worn white top and down, kaftan, that was a cool dressing to me
A romantic movie, I'll kukuma die before the movie ends. You know African parents and their vibes. Watching movies with them is even stresful not to talk of a romantic one. Just dig your grave before hand.
that awkward moment when people start kissing in the movie. Everyone acts confused. I can't laugh 🤣
Jus wish the ground would open and swallow you because the advice and counselling will be nothing to talk of. I try as much as possible toi avoid situations like that.
lol...it gets better as you get older, trust me
hahaha, it seems I got one, the 365 days,
50 shades of grey... It would be so uncomfortable given that it involves different kind of sex appeals
lol you clearly dont like bad thing. to soon that is the best movie ever...hehe
50 Shades of Grey or Game of Thrones. My mom will complain the whole time
why would you be watching blue film Infront of your parents? You are a bad child.
Let everything I touch just turn into money, I need a lot of right now so definitely going to be money if I get the power
May God grant you your heart desires...
Lying down/reading/pressing phone while eating, I'll definitely make a fortune from it.
you are really a woman of leisure. I envy you.
Lazying around is one bad habit of mine, if people bare getting paid for bad habits then laziness will fetch me millions
Getting worked up at the slightest discomfort. or trying to hurry everyone because I hate delays
nA why I dey tell you to calm down. You need to learn patience
Teaching about basic things, like basic nutrition, how to sleep, etc
hmmm thinking about that would be to get paid for keeping their secret, I am good like that
Hmm...i have learnt something about you today... Thanks for sharing. I know my secrets are safe with you
I wish to work as a freelance and get paid daily
Writing whatever I think of, a content creator who earns big everyday would be amazing 😁
what would be the ideal earnings for you as a content creator?
Leave the house, technically I get paid for this but I don't get paid enough. My God!
you are too proud this woman
As much as I don't like stress, maybe they should pay me to be a kind of ghost writer for them. Won't be bad at all, I heard it pays to be one
Let's not even go there. As much as they're prepared hygienically and won't cause harm when mixed together.
i am very selective when it comes to food. I don't eat anything.
Chicken stroganoff with beans, a lot of people say it's not good to combine the two, but I add it at the same time with rice and other things and eat it well haha. I love eating and it is very satisfying to try new foods throughout our lives.
Soaking garri with pineapple, my friends find it weird but it's delicious 👀
that is very strange. how did she get to that point?

I saw grandma eating it, I tried it and fell in love
It's become addictive weird food for me 😂
I am on your friends side. this is weird!
Bread and noodles and bread and coconut. It just has this nice taste to it
you are weird girl.
It would definitely be something about positivity and positive thinking, about how we can be happy even with the difficulties and problems in the world, anything can happen, we can fight and do it and make it happen and get ahead in life with it. Something definitely related to good vibes.
Hahaha, that should be beans with gari and plantain, very nice one of course
It would definitely be about myself and how far I have come. Not an easy journey...
about the life and time of a brave lady called Henrietta
My life, the crazies, the ups and downs. my happy times, all of it
i will like to read your book my lovely lady.