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RE: Leo Talk 4/23/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

According to this article, it seems we won't be getting out of the covid situation any time soon. However, things have returned to normalcy in this part of the world. The hysteria over the virus has died. However, the news coming out of other countries is not quite encouraging. What is the case in your country?

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I live in the Northeastern part of the United States. Things here a little bit better. I have not yet received the vaccine, but I don't go out much and only being about 60 years old am not on the short list.

As far as the entire Country? Depends on to whom one listens. I believe it has now become less of a political issue. Regardless of how it spread, most agree it is real.

The illness is real, undoubtedly. A few of my family members came down with it, most of them fairly young. Those I talked with said that it was much worse than the flu. They said they had never been so sick. All have weathered through alright though.

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A mess. Even with a vaccine, we are required to still social distance and things don't look like it will be resolved anytime soon. In fact, the government doesn't seem like they want to stop the lock downs either.

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the world is turning into a very strange place. all I can do is stay safe with my family. i think I will just come to terms with the fact that this is the way things are now.

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Yea our rights are only dwindling and the governments want the power. I just wonder when people will be sick of it and start pushing back.

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I just wonder when people will be sick of it and start pushing back.

They are lulled into sleep and will just accept it. That is why politicians do what they do, because they know they can get away with it.

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I think it has more to deal with the fact that the media is in the politicians pocket books. If they could true information, things wouldn't be as bad but both republican and democratic news networks refuse to show everything.

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That is true. They are the propaganda arm.

There is no way to call them impartial anymore. Plus they are owned by major corporations which makes them even worse.

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In fact, the government doesn't seem like they want to stop the lock downs either.

Kick that freedom of assembly thing right out the window.

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Isn't it weird when the capital got mobbed by protesters its an insurrection and when a state's assembly is mobbed by leftists, its a peaceful protest? Lol.

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Both turn my stomach.

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Yea I agree. Neither of the two actions were great. I just want everything to go back to normal and this includes those activist refusing to pack up their bags.

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I walked, literally, from the Liberty Bell to the Capitol Building in Washington, DC over a period of 9 days with others back in 2016.

We sat on the Capitol steps, sang patriotic songs, had nice chats with the Capitol police. Each day we were arrested, would pay our $50 USD fine and return to the Capitol steps the following day.

No pepper spray, no cursing the police, peaceful civil demonstration against the McCutchen vs. FEC decision.

We were a mixture of Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Bernie Burners, Green party. You name it, we had them. I belong to no political party myself. I don't believe in them.

I no longer join in demonstrations, nor will I ever align myself with any group, though I may support some.

Violence, no matter what the reason, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I do not have the temperament for diplomacy, but I believe that is the proper way regardless.

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Yea non-violent disobedience is fine. But I don't like all the current violence

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Yep that is how the media slants it. The impartiality of it is gone.

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I live in Brazil so no need to say much more. Things are very bad here, the government are a bunch of lunatics that are only making the whole thing worse and if I'm not mistaken we are the number 1 country in number of deaths.

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The governments everywhere are a bunch of lunatics. In the US, politicians are mostly lawyers who think they have all the answers but really know nothing.

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Like @taskmaster4450le said, its everywhere. The entire system is trying to change the world in the direction they want. You can kind of tell with the ECB implementing some crazy strategies and how even protests do nothing to help the situation.

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