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RE: Artificial Value

Shoes are incredibly valuable. Could spend $1000 on a pair and feel great. Yet one doesn't really notice the true value until they discover some asshole stole their shoes, and now you're the only guy on the bus without any, on your way to the hospital so they can pull the broken glass out and put ointment on the burns because holy shit. Who knew asphalt could be so hot.


Life is a journey.

And it's been one hell of a trip.

I thought it was a highway

Are you going my way?

We are all on the same road, but different timelines, which frequently intersect causing branches when one of us has enough power to change the direction of the other persons life.

I don't remember these lyrics.

I've learned that back in the day when I was working as a postman. Good shoes are valuable. Health is more valuable than all the money in the world.

You know what money can't buy?


What the heck is that?

English not my native language...


Do you even lift, bruv?

What do you think?


I think you might have calluses.

Thanks for the translation :))

I hate calluses. I hate wearing handgloves during workouts as well...