
Yeah just before the kids take it from you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's probably the most discreet way of calling someone old and slow, without actually saying it, that I've ever seen. Kudos.

Quick off topic question. I see a lot of my comments are voted up by LEO holders and I'm wondering if I'm being penalized for not using the LeoFinance platform when I'm dropping words here on PeakD.

It's not that you're being penalized for using PeakD, but rather the people using the LeoFinance front end get an extra percentage of rewards in LEO. It's similar for other tribes with front ends, too, as an incntive to use the tribal front end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So even my comments take a hit?

Even the comments, I'm afraid. I had to switch to the LeoFinance front end to type this comment.

It's a bit of a hassle, but after a while it becomes second nature.

I rarely use PeakD/Hive.Blog/Ecency anymore except for posts to comunities without tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta