China will be the biggest power in 2028!

in LeoFinance4 years ago


CEBR (Centre for Economics and Business Research) gave a report that states China will become the biggest economic power in 2028, 5 years earlier than expected.

China will record an annual growth rate of 5.7% of GDP on average from 2021 to 2025, before growth slows down to 4.5% of annual GDP in the period from 2026 to 2030!

The US economy will recover strongly after the pandemic, in 2021, but the country's growth rate will slow to 1.9% of GDP in the years between 2022 and 2024 and then fall to 1.6%.

Until 2030, Japan is expected to remain the third power and then India will surpass her, dropping Germany from fourth power to fifth and probably the sixth will be Great Britain.

The fact is that the economic map of the planet seems to be changing ... The covid-19 pandemic and the way counties deal with it now has a great effect on the future of global economy.

The only thing we are waiting to see now is what moves America will make in order to remain the first power. New technologies and green economy are expected to play a big part in shaping the future and global economy as well.


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You did nothing but plagiarize the first half of this article.

This is not worthy of votes and will lead to adverse things happening to your account.

You do not want to become know for plagiarism on Hive or Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The first half are facts that consist the CEBR research. I can't just not mention them as they are, since they are crucial in understanding the results. All I can do is summarize the results and give a personal opinion as conclusion. If you have any suggestion, please share it with me and I will gladly accept it.

Try and put more personal content into the post rather than use snippets of data and a link. You may have supplemented some lines on your own but this isn't really enough to make the post original.

Even your personal opinion needs a few more paragraphs to overcome the length of sentences you had to copy and paste. You didn't even bother marking the sentences you copy pasted with quotes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

mas efagan oi kinezoi

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Χαχα ναι

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don’t go making @trumpman sad now.