Hello guys, this post is an updated post from an old post in my steemit blog.
The coin that is believed that is the first true coin is the Lydian Lion coin.
The Lydian Lion coin features one the most fascinating lions ever to appear on a coin. Lions have been considered kings of the jungle, and symbols of kingly authority, from time immemorial. The coin illustrated below is a Lydian third stater, or trite, minted sometime around 600 BC in Lydia, Asia Minor (current-day Turkey), a country in close geographic and cultural proximity to the Greek colonies in Asia Minor.
The Lydian Lion directly preceded ancient Greek coinage, which through Rome begot all Western coinage, and which through the Seleukids, Parthians, and Sassanians begot all Islamic coinage. Indian coinage has largely been a product of Greek, Roman, and Islamic influences. Chinese coinage, though it probably developed independently, was succeeded by Western-style coinage in the late nineteenth century. Other countries in Asia, in Africa, and elsewhere have adopted the Western approach to coinage as well. It's not chauvinistic, and it's only mildly hyperbolic, to suggest that virtually all coinage in use today is the progeny of the Lydian Lion, that it's the Adam of coins.
Among what we know with confidence is that the Lydian Lion trite was the most common Lydian denomination of its time and that it's made of electrum, an alloy of gold and silver called "white gold" in ancient times.
The Lydian Lion trite may have been worth about a month's subsistence, according to Ian Carradice and Martin Jessop Price. R.M. Cook placed a higher value on it, suggesting it may have had the buying power of about eleven sheep. Similarly, Richard Seaford felt it could buy about ten goats. But as an indication of how unsettled certain matters involving these coins are, Michael Mitchiner placed a much lower value on it, believing it to be worth approximately one sheep or three jars of wine.
Aesthetically, the Lydian Lion is pleasing. It has a captivating archaic style, with the design consisting primarily of simple geometric shapes. The composition is both balanced and dynamic. The hatch marks of the lion's mane divide the coin roughly in half, diagonally. Most of the visual "action" -- the roaring mouth with teeth bared, the fierce triangle-shaped eye, and the mysterious starburst (often described as a nose wart) -- takes place to the right.
The lion head is sometimes referred to as a lion protome, with "protome" an archeological term meaning decorative motif in the form of an animal or human head. The lion's mane and sunburst vary in style between earlier and later versions of the coin.
Like most of the earliest coins, instead of a design, the Lydian Lion features on the reverse an incuse punch created during the minting process, from the hammer used to force the blank planchet into the anvil die. With the trite, the punch consists of two squares that are joined or separate. The punch on smaller denominations consists of a single square.
The specimen pictured in the first picture weighs 4.71 grams, has a diameter of 13mm at its widest, and at 4mm, is thick as a nugget. It likely consists of about 55 percent gold, 43 percent silver, 2 percent copper, and trace amounts of lead and iron, with the the later variety consiting of slightly lower gold and higher silver, based upon analyses of these coins by a number of different researchers.
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Today the most of us we know there are digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) and tokens. The king is the Bitcoin.
The Bitcoin you can not keep it in your hands is digital and you can only use it in your computer or your mobile.
Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system called the first decentralized digital currency, since the system works without a central repository or single administrator. It was invented by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain.
inforation source
Today there is, as the most of us know, the LEO token with a Lion shade like the Lydian Lion coin then.
The LEO token is based on hive blockchain and is a token of LeoFinance community.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I think bitcoin was valued because more cryptocurrencies came out after Bitcoin.
Bitcoin brought the great blockchain technology, now is the king but we do not know if will be in the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Greetings from Holland from a coin collector (gold and silver). rehived
You are welcome, I'm a coin collector too but longer digital coins.
Thank you.
Posted Using LeoFinance