Thanks for sharing your viewpoint, great to see someone with a big stake on here not wanting to shit on their investment by talking about re-introducing bidbots which is what I've seen from some hive whales, makes me want to move more over to Leo!
I think you will need a bit more than 820k LP now, the amount has moved quite drastically since I last did my calculations last month. May do an update post (someone said it was close to 950,000) so I'll do an update and see what's going on!
Good luck with your new usage of stake and appreciate that you use your stake both up and down to how you see fit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ohhh, you got me scared this morning. Very scared.

Maybe I'm in danger, not Toruk Makto anymore?
I immediately went to check the latest data. And here is what I found:
Do I still qualify? Yes, seems I do, yet not with a big margin, only 2.8%
UNISWAP LP rewards coming in a three days. So maybe I'm safe for a while... 🤞
But when you mentioned 950000, I almost went to grab my Ledger, so I could put few more ETH's into the business... 😃
Don't scare me so bad anymore. 😉
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha sorry man, I also got a bit worried myself as Che mentioned it, he's close to whale here and said it had gone up. That's still a big jump of 40k since I last made my calculations though (that was only 3-4 weeks ago! I'll be buying up more LEO in any case, I'd like to get to a Lion status here by the end of 2021, which could be over 10k by then?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta