Earning money online is possible. I won't even scam you.

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Ref: Pixabay

I know as well as you know how many scams and false promises there are online. I spent a long time sifting through them to find ways to supplement my income by merging my time online with additional sources of earning.

It is possible to just take on more jobs and more hours for some extra money but i already work a physical job for 40+ hours a week and can feel the strain of that on my body. Combined with taxes, travel and the year that is in it. More physical work might not be the best way for you either.

After trying multiple different sites like fiverr, filling out surveys for a few dollars and every other publishing a few books for kindle I stumbled upon a gem in the rough.

A new and exciting way to add a few dollars every week while having fun and learning new things. It almost sounded too good to be true.

The reality is that it was too good to be true. There are very few things in life that just magically give you money and you can retire early to the island of your dreams. Bar winning the lotto or travelling back in time to buy 10c bitcoin/apple stocks you will have to put in the work and build investments and multiple sources of income.

The good news however that with the emergence of bitcoin, blockchain technology and web3 sites is that you can create a source of income straight away without building your own website, becoming a YouTube sensation, learning new skills or getting scammed out of savings.

The bad news is that it will take some time, effort and persistence to do so with a reasonable amount of success.

Crypto gives us lots of new opportunities to earn from our activities online in small amounts. The only question is whether you are willing to learn new skills and can navigate the rise and falls of the market to turn it into a reasonable amount.

I am earning crypto just from writing this article.

How much depends on how popular it is and how much attention it gains. Just like any other social media. The difference here is that you can just sign up and write. No marketing, no coding skills, no begging family and friends to read it.

You can also start earning some crypto just from commenting at the end of it as i will reward the followers that interact with my work.

This article is being written on www.leofinance.io which is a website with it's own crypto token. (LEO)


That website is built onto a blockchain called HIVE which has it's own token. (HIVE) Check out www.hive.io for more information


Hive blockchain distributes hive tokens every single day based on the votes of the users holding(staking) hive.

I own X amount of HIVE and can distribute Y amount of hive every day to the people that I vote for on the different websites linked to the hive blockchain like Leofinance which I am on right now.

If you comment on this article then I will give you a vote and distribute some of that crypto to your account.

If you stake those rewards to your account then you will have X amount of tokens and will be able to give out Y amount of votes going forward.

Bear in mind that your X and Y will be a lot smaller than mine as I have staked a lot more tokens to my account which gives me bigger rewards.

The benefit for me giving out those votes is that I get the same amount rewarded back to my account as I give out.

It might sound complicated to begin with but the more you get used to the system, the easier it gets. You can sign up through twitter and get a free account in seconds.

As soon as you have an account and start getting votes, you are now earing crypto just for your online interactions on any hive based website. And there are lots of hive based websites for sport, science, creative content, gaming....ect. This just happens to be the financial one but your work will show up on all of the relevant ones to your tags.

This is the best example of a web3 based site that is out there at the moment and a future where we will start to turn our attention into income. It's a valuable commodity and one which sites are going to have to pay for in the future.

Why give it away for free when you can be rewarded for it?

This is an example of how to grow an account long term on the blockchain and turn it into a future source of revenue. It will take time to earn and grow enough for it to become worthwhile and will not happen overnight. If you have knowledge to share then you should start writing and try to earn more votes than you will for just a comment.

Alternatively since these tokens that you are earning as rewards are crypto then you can use them to buy, sell trade against other items or cryptos on the market.

One of the main benefits to earning crypto tokens is that they are very flexible and can be used for various sites, games, investments, purchases with the right knowledge to so so.

My advise for anybody stepping into crypto for the first time would be to read and learn as much as possible first of all.

Comment and ask questions to the authors on this site.

Be engaged with the new information and new technology.

Earn from your activity and from there build up your account to a higher level of stake. Once you have staked enough tokens, your earnings will be noticeable and you can then use those earnings for other purposes with your new knowledge in hand and try to expand it to other areas of crypto without risking your stake on the hive blockchain.

This is how you create a sustainable source of income over time and invest into new technologies free of risk.

All you need is time, persistence and a willingness to learn new things.

Honestly, since I have gotten involved on HIVE day 1 with zero knowledge it has been the best thing i have done in years and taught me so many new and interesting things. This is earning money online while having great fun and educating myself as i go.

What's not to love?

If you do decide to take on a new path and start earning some crypto, make sure to ask me lots of questions in the comments and i can save you some time from my experiences.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is perfectly written for those who is new to web 3.0 social media and you are right about a fact which is earnings from your stake without risking your stake.

I certainly want to earn a lot from my stake that's why I spend a lot of my author earnings building and staking. It certainly takes time, patience and consistency but if this fulfills eventually. It's definitely going to be a life changing story for me to share.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I certainly want to earn a lot from my stake that's why I spend a lot of my author earnings building and staking. It certainly takes time, patience and consistency but if this fulfills eventually. It's definitely going to be a life changing story for me to share.

That's a great attitude to have and i am convinced that you will reap the benefits in the next few years. It won't happen overnight but that just gives us time to get into the right positions for when it does.

Part of the fun is building the account and watching for the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot. That's the exact fun in it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Woresome. Nice writing. I believe I am giving a shot right now. Thanks for sharing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Boom, earned some hive right there. That's just how easy it is here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice one Niall, always good to see the plus points put forward in a non-tribal way and the options are already existing to earn a little bit more from posting on Web 3 sites like HIVE, Leo and others. I pretty much stopped checking in to Facebook as I was intrigued about how this new place worked as a music producer, FB pages were doing nothing for me. I've had more interaction on here than I did on my FB posts which says it all! A monetisable blog without having to get millions of views? Yes please!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @nickyhavey how's your city doing?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have a city? Wow, didn't even know that 😀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you know about it, you are amazed at how much sense it makes.

Join sites that reward you for you activity instead of profit from it.
Own your account and keys.
Use crypto for online purchases and activities.
Cut out banks and traders to use it the way that you want to use it.

For me it's just a matter of when and not if the majority of people switch over to web3 apps. The only real question remains as to which ones take off first. We have a huge advantage right now with years of building put into hive already so that puts us in a good place if we can grow the community fast.

Even if every user earned $100 for the year that is a lot more than most other sites and a lot of money in some countries. All you need is a phone and the innovation to get involved.

I remember when I got my first few post payouts from my STEEM posts nearly 3 years ago and was like, well, that's just covered my FB ads that I spent last year and got nowhere with so I'm here for however long the site is around for!

Things will get easier too. You look at the developments with LeoFinance and account creation is going to be made so easy and less daunting for someone who is used to the web 2 experience. Although there's a long way to go still, making something mobile friendly with slick interface and easy to use nature with some element of gamification (maybe), will be a game changer I reckon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have you seen what travelfeed have build this week? It's another direction but they let you build your own travel blog on the site linked to hive. It's amazing and shows what can be built here with the right team.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've not followed travelfeed for a while, mainly because I haven't posted any travel posts for nearly a year. Used their site a few times though back at the beginning of the year. Seemed pretty good, what's the latest? They have their own token?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wrong Nicky - Sorry. LOL.

These small avatars...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I too have tried many places and internet sites where one can supposedly make money 95% of the time and I threw it all away.

but the 5% for me that has been very good and fruitful is steemit, hive and Leo finance because if they are real sites where one can earn money from the internet without scams without referrals, only and exclusively with the intelligence that one has and creativity.

And I can recommend to all the new ones that just like you say, they read and investigate a lot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

but the 5% for me that has been very good and fruitful is steemit, hive and Leo finance because if they are real sites where one can earn money from the internet without scams without referrals, only and exclusively with the intelligence that one has and creativity.

This is the great part about it. You can succeed soley based on the work you are willing to put into your account and reputation. Even if you don't write you can earn from the comments section and there are always competitions to help you grow. It's all about the hustle but that is what makes it fun.

I started my journey by reading a few articles that led me to hive so it's up to us to keep that trend going and educate more people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for writing your experiences in a light and understandable manner. This attracts and gives more confidence to beginners (I am one!) We won't all become millionaires but we can create a supportive network.

Thanks for reading about it. It's always good to have new users join the platform and try to start their own journey. I will never become a millionaire from here but if i can get to the position where i can earn a few thousand a year then it's a huge win for me.

It would be great to turn writing into a source of revenue over the next few years and with hive based sites i think that will be very possible. Especially for the people in first. Plus a great way of sharing knowledge for new people wanting to change how they use the internet.

Thanks for reading about it. It's always good to have new users join the platform and try to start their own journey. I will never become a millionaire from here but if i can get to the position where i can earn a few thousand a year then it's a huge win for me.

It would be great to turn writing into a source of revenue over the next few years and with hive based sites i think that will be very possible. Especially for the people in first. Plus a great way of sharing knowledge for new people wanting to change how they use the internet.

The bad news is that it will take some time, effort and persistence to do so with a reasonable amount of success.

I dont think its bad news... its shows yiur dedication towards the platform...
The time and efforts pay you at the end...

I enjoy readings your post and very useful for the newcomers...
Thanks for sharing...
Promoting the post on ecency for more visibility...

Promoting the post on ecency for more visibility...

Thanks for that. It's always nice when a post gets a little appreciation from the community and lots of interaction like this has. I'll try to keep making relevant posts and share what I've learned to here.

Promoting the post on ecency for more visibility...

Thanks for that. It's always nice when a post gets a little appreciation from the community and lots of interaction like this has. I'll try to keep making relevant posts and share what I've learned to here.

I know there is a lot to learn on here. So am taking it one step at a time by only communicating with other people through the comments

I so much love everything about leofinance with their engagement with new users and old. It's a great start for the big future of social media block chain at large

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a lot to learn here. This is only the surface level but it's a great place to start. Hive blockchain is so dense and layered that you could be learning new things for years and would never get to the end.

The good news is that it never stops evolving and you can always find something interesting happening on hive and crypto in general. This is the future of social media and we are all here to help the newer people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I usually don't share on facebook ... (reason, I hardly use facebook anymore). But this one I re-leo'd to facebook because I think it's time to spread the word further than only twitter. And I know in my environment there are too many people thinking it's not possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I brought a few people into the chain in the past but it wasn't ready for the regular user yet.

I think that now it has changed with some of the building that has gone on since the hardfork. It has gotten, faster, easier and better looking for the everyday user. Now i will be able to show the leo and start teaching them a small bit about how it all works. I will try to produce more content like this for the new users to follow and learn the ropes.

I will be sharing it to more places going forward as we can now attract in people to read it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice writting! I hope it'll attract more people to Hive :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for that. Feel free to share if it helps get others to join hive. All publicity helps and every users could possibly bring even more with them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bookmarked this so that I wouldn't have to keep explaining how this blockchain can reward its users. I've been customizing how I explain the blockchain to friends and family but this post helps with a broader reach. Thanks for sharing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feel free to share far and wide. The whole point of content like this is to educate people and help them get involved n the site.
It's aimed at new users rather than existing ones as they already know the story. I would love somebody to click this article of facebook and appear in my comments afterwards. That would be a huge win.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its a funny story never in my life did I expect to find a platform like #hive where I could not only earn crypto but engage together with other users without being censored in any way or banned. The Blockchain is the best.

Awesome post hope it attracts users from all backgrounds :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was not where I expected to end up three years ago but i'm so glad that I did. it has shown me so many thing and set me on a new path.

I've spend hundreds of hours on chain and loved 98% of it. It might get messy and there is always drama but that is half the fun. We have so many interesting users here and a lot of knowledge between them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah I'm very thankful I was able to find this amazing platform and learn crypto whilst using it and I'm with you there are bad times but mostly its incredible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No scams? How dare you make such claims hahaha. Good to see you on LeoFinance!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Title of my next post.

"Oops, I lied. You've all been scammed. Now I have your crypto."

No point in scamming people unless you let them believe there are no scams. Problem solved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What a fantastic, awesome sauce, post. I may have to reference it. Newbies need to read this.

Please do. I made this to share on twitter, reddit and facebook. We finally have the tools needed to bring in people quickly and easily which we have waited years for. Now is the time to start marketing and advertising what you can do on here.

Earning through blogging and then get REKT with this free money trading with leveraging or doing DeFi hehe xD

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Easy come, easy go.
We all know how to play the game. Bears, bulls, lambos, pennies.

Someone needs to make the bitcoin board game. It would be very exciting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Earn by renting splinterlands cards and holding sim dcity cards!

I ain't gonna say anything about the post because obviously the rest of the guys have said it all. Ill just say that I love the level of engagement you have.

Keep them coming Nial

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks @mindtrap, Leo is fantastic for engagement these days. It is set up in the right way and people are responding to that. It shows in so many posts.

Nice post👍

Thanks for reading it. Always good to see people interact.

It is possible but you need to build a strong base for your business and grow connection is also part of a job

I was reading through thinking "another way?"... and I'm already doing it! 😁 Totally agreed! Consistency is key; no get rich scheme here, but focusing on long term, the potential is huge!

Anybody that is doing well here will tell you the exact same thing. They put in the time to grow an account an had fun engaging with the community while you do.

Hope to see a lot more of you around here as you continue to follow this new path of earning online.