I agree in principle with some of what you say about the 'apology' and the the particular users name but it's censorship resistant. He can call himself what he likes. Whether that is a suitable name to use on discord, even as a non official Hivewatcher is rightly debatable.
As for the new users getting caught out. New users have various meet and greet links dropped as comments explaining the guidelines on plag, copy n paste etc, many are also recruited here by long standing accounts who you'd expect to have explained the deal already. There are also a lot of fake new users trying to farm or escape already blacklisted user names they once owned.
It's a nightmare trying to catch them all out.
As for your views on things that are 'normal' on other forms of social media, I say this.
Just because something is 'normal' doesn't legitimise it or make it right. Monetizing other people's intellectual property for personal gain is theft, pure and simple and it's commonly known by everyone!
Perhaps the apology post is demeaning in some ways but could be seen as a deterrent .HW do take each instance on merit and certainly apply more leeway than a year or two back.
Why don't you come and hang in their discord and see what they have to wade through and the huge amount of tracing and research that goes into each reported post. You could also follow ther comments and examine the cases and users for yourself to see who is genuine on their mistakes and who is full of shit.
Another thing to note is that there are many secret discord and telegram groups hidden away that teach the less scrupulous how to farm. One famous farming group set up over 2000 accounts to embezzle the reward group.
HW is far from perfect in my opinion, but I personally cannot come up with a better way to root out plagiarists whose only goal is to take rewards that would be much better going to genuine users who post original content, whether that content is considered good or poor, but still posted with integrity and sincerity.
Please chat in discord, Hive needs these difficult conversations like the one you've just started :-)
Best wishes fella from a non-hivewatcher!
Thanks for reading @nathen007
I understand it all, I'm in at the beginning.
I know whether the farms, the voting circles,
But I also see in the example of my girlfriend, who has just committed this and since then she is downvoted by the spaminator.
Although she has corrected her mistake immediately, although she has thanked for the advice and help.
This is now since August 5 and over 270 posts ago. Over 3 months in which she couldn't comment because her reputation drops with every comment thanks to the spaminator, her comments are also invisible.
She's got me, so she's sticking with it.
But how many do? Especially since there is no end in sight when downstaling of the spaminator?
I've been at it 6 years and today @dlmmqb enlightened me about my tags that I'm using them unauthorized.
I have been using these tags daily for many months, no one has minded. I thought this was even requested.
I thanked him and will not do these again, I did not know any better. (No one can know everything that happens on Hive and what should not be).
Will he downvote me for the next 1000 years now? I hope not. Hivewatchers, however, takes this approach.
Talking to each other, helping each other, that's really missing here.
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