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RE: Should I Panic Sell All My Bitcoin?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I and many other people think that THIS crash in the price is different than the other crashes. First of all, the first two crashes happened because the bubble reached its max, and then burst spontaneously because it ran out of buyers since it was not mainstream. Secondly, there were TWO bull runs in 2021, not one (with a crash in the middle).

This time however, it is crashing for a different reason. Unlike before, when crypto was something that only a few people were interested in, at least 15% are interested this time, and there are many more exchanges. The reason it is crashing this time has to do with government regulation and socialism induced supply chain problems. This time, it seems to me it will either shoot up to 200k the bubble burst again, or it will crash to zero from government interference. I hope the former happens, because that would mean its habit of going 10x every 5 or 6 years is not over.