Thanks Jon, i really love that advice. I now give "my business" time in the evening and work on it as often as I can.
Instead of previously focusing on my employers business outside of working hours, this time is being put to good use building mine onCHAIN.
Keep blazing a path for us!! :)
I think Brian Tracy used to teach in his writings...If you spend an hour a day 'learning' your chosen niche, or industry...You'll have the equivalent of a university degree in a year or less. Spending that hour is a fantastic investment!
That's awesome to know. Goals was one of my first Brian Tracey books! It really resonated with me.
My goal is to reach a saturation level with crypto and online content marketing. Do you feel you have reached Saturation yet?
Loved that book!
Nah I mean...I think it's never ended personally...I know if I'm not pumping good stuff out multiple times a week, I'll be left in the So the more of my messages that are out there, the more chance I have that people find the tribe and our company :)
they say you're only as good as your last article! lol
Thanks Jon, keep up the great work! :)