yes the bitcoin myk token on hive now has about 3200 affiliate marketeers and nearly 6000 low level kyc registered users. So i think with our affiliate dashboard we're on the road to mass adoption and becoming a usable currency. i think the mistake made though with bitcoin myk is that people think of it as a get rich gambling coin whereas it's a more practical useful product that's creating a stable currency. so the growth is longer and you probably wont get rich but you may end up in the future with a good return on your investment and that's the direction i feel the crypto market needs to go in. Unfortunately the reality of the situation is the general masses of people don't need crypto and have no incentive to use it. So since 2017 despite the tech brought into crypto it has not risen market cap wise. I believe these are the numbers we should be looking at. The only way i think that will get resolved is with a more participatory product. I don't mean just bloggers but the general masses of people. Affiliate programs help accomplish that.
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