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RE: The shift in power, how Proof of Brain (POB) became King of the Hive Engine tokens

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Here's the deal you guys are still in elementary school on this. The reason pob is doing better than most coins is because of it's deflationary qualities. However, thats not the first hive engine token to really coin that idea. The first and best done was Bitcoin MYK. Bitcoin MYK accelerated the concept and gave all the ledger and value to bitcoin holders. So no reason to think any foul play with the coins or something or another.

Now the reason POB will ultimately fall again to leo.. They both will have issues and i'll tell you why as they have. However there are some fundamental problems they both have. I"m sure you guys glad to hear real analysis instead of someone holding the projects afraid to speak frankly about them for fear their investment dollars will dwindle. I've lucky stayed in a place where i don't have that issue.

So the problem is POB deflation will somewhat balance the ridiculous inflation rates tribes are goign to go through. Ultimately even POB won't be able to deal with it. Leo is already being taken out by it but Leo has one secret weapon proof of brain doesn't have.

Here's what you all missing and you never listen so maybe this time you will. Leofinance is very niche but not only niche .. niche in a smart way.. What do i mean by that? Well i've seen this done before on several projects and they've all done fairly well for a time. That is projects that only allow posting of crypto or business content.

Crypto and business posters tend to be investment savvy. They seem to understand investing better than a general audience of starving artist who will bleed the system often times dry trying to earn on their creative work and not investment strategy.

Leo was smart to be niche on a cloned platform like or peakd that is already oversaturated. So the focus on one particular area made sense. POB after the deflationary bug wears off and it will because the levels of inflation again are much too high and people are going to be selling pob as soon as they get it. I"m not trying to be harsh here but this is a clone and its not going to do anything moreso than any other tribe but it doesn't have enough money coming through the hive ecosystem to sustain it.

So its probably going the way of the dinosaurs like many others. Leo manage to get some branding effect and it's kept it alive. now its on life support. However its not dead. It performed well but like many other tribe tokens they just can't ever decouple from hive and they in my opinion do have to eat hive's lunch and don't really have another source to pull from. This is where projects like bitcoin myk are going to ultimately walk teh dog with most of these projects. I know thats hard to believe but fundamentaly there are just too many issues with these projects and only a few solutions in my opinion.

Best thing you can do is look into projects like bitcoin myk.. it doesn't have to be bitcoin myk but it probably needs to be bitcoin myk like projects. Now you don't have to listen we can just watch prices continue to fall and people sell out like there is no tomorrow but then i'm going to hate to be the guy who told you so. bitcoin myk has the ability to pull from other sources and other chains as well as rise the chains they exist on up. That's just not what's going to happen with many of these projects they lack the layout the fundamentals and the blueprint to get that right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Best thing you can do is look into projects like bitcoin myk..

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

I spent more on gas this year than the entire market cap of your coin. You and Lasse are notorious for being the only one buying your token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta