haha @themarkymark i keep tagging you because i find it freaking hillarious you downvote all my posts, lol.. a junior Vladimir Putin in the making...haha.
I'm going to share something with you Marky Mark because alot of people wonder why i'm here. Its for a reason and i'm going to partly share that with you. You see not only do i despise most whales.. i created a project that would work in time just based on shunning them.. that's why i don't care about any control you think you got marky mark.
You see we don't want one guy like onealfa over there providing all the liquidity to a project and can take it away at a whim, lol.. that's the last thing we want.
When bernie sanders.. i'm not particularly a bernie sanders fan. i believe in capitalism that doesn't start at zero.. However where i do agree with bernie is on this part.. Bernie said.." his campaign contributions mostly came from the $20 guy.. You see Bernie @taskmaster4450le understood the importance of decentralization of his supporters economically and otherwise.
I know you all think i'm dumb. The reality is i'm smarter than most of you all because when you live by the whale you die by the whale and you will destroy your economy with that thought process.
So pucker up Marky Mark you're not needed in my world and even in this one i would say your days are numbered just like Vladimir Putins days, lol.. you following close behind
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Did you know a Blue Whale’s tongue is heavier than an African Elephant?