i can greatly appreciate this article. Creating Bitcoin MYK set to be one of mankind's greatest inventions i mean in all human history. Thomas Paine championed it.. Dr. Martin Luther King, Milton Friedman, Bishop Tutu, Pope Francis, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg probably Jesus.
All these people and we started the beginning of 2019. Something probably one of the only projects in cryptocurrency that can realistically bring economic prosperity to most of the globe. When you consider all this and what it would take the change the world from my creation.. an intuitive upvote system that knows how to seperate the type of post and not just be based on the money you bring in should be a marvel in itself.. when you factor all of this.. do you know i got crypto people holding bitcoin myk who wants it to pump.. like a pump and dump coin for quick crackhead returns and a weakness and inability to delay short term gratification
Now its not like we got many true revolutoinaries in this space actually doing the work.. we got one last great visionary as far as i can see left.. .. me... lol.. and these people if they don't make quick money like you'd make from the mob or organized crime they consider you a failure.. Can you imagine that? How desperate and inept you have to be as a human to think that way, lol.
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