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RE: The Metaverse - My optimistic view

in LeoFinance3 years ago

hmm.. sure but there seems to already be this preconceived notion about crypto with them. I wonder where that comes from? So for me i'm alot more proud to say well i created a crypto to address the issue of automation and inequality and fight to end poverty and spread economic prosperity.

So i can say that with dignity and they can see the usefulness. however maybe it's more difficult for me because these things do feel like pyramid ponzi schemes. So some of the people who ask the questions have either already had an issue in cryptocurrency or they've had a similar opportunity that didn't pan out.

So i'd imagine some of the prejudgement comes from there. I feel like if something is useful enough it's easy to bring the normies in. However if i'm honest i find the case for crypto not that compelling. So i can understand why crypto struggles and only has about 3% of the people in. I've run the numbers in the united states and 67% of americans want what i call the citizen's dividend, ubi.. guaranteed or basic income. When we run the numbers on the globe they are around 80%. So i'm less embarassed to have that conversation.

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