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RE: Marketing and advertising for Hive blockchain - Proposal BASIC

in LeoFinance4 years ago

All i can say is atleast someone is finally focused on marketing. All these proposals and money spent on seemingly nothing that's been any progress i can see at all. So maybe now these type things will come into focus and may yield finally some results.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is that the tasks and marketing effort is difficult, a very important aspect is the metrics and when creating a campaign you must create reports and a model of constant innovation strategies, in the different modules that you can create or multi-strategies.

The popular chart:

Strategies vs cost

To evaluate the correct path of adoption.

Sí, esa es una razón más para concentrar más recursos en esa área en particular. Este no es un problema exclusivo de la colmena o la criptomoneda. El marketing requiere habilidades, presupuesto, estrategia y área objetivo. Los principales productos de éxito han destinado más del 50% de sus ingresos anuales a la comercialización.

If companies spend millions of dollars on marketing I think it is the oxygen of the company, but when they have defined the business model.

But the truth is that Hive should start creating more complex marketing initiatives.