Investments in Leofinance are really very good and you should know what are all the options that an investor can have in Leofinance, I think the best investment is $LEO because it is simply a very stable token and above all tokenomics always improves over time, this is thanks to the Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) initiative and really that is what draws attention to invest in this token.
But on the other hand you can also find very juicy Defi investments, for example CUB Finance and PolyCUB, I think this is something great for big investors, because we can simply get an APR of up to 50% and it is something that has been seen before, this is because we are simply in a bear market and when this happens simply the APR% usually goes down along with the price of cryptocurrencies, but I am sure that if you want to invest in CUB Finance you can do it right now and in the next bull run you can get an APR higher than 50% and I am really very sure about this.
Best Investments on
From my point of view the best investment is $LEO as I mentioned above is a very stable token and with a great tokenomics, but not only that, we can also opt for a role in the Discord channel of LeofinanceLeo Power holders will be made a distribution of all advertising revenue and $LEO will be bought and distributed to Leo Power holders, this is simply great, apart from earning rewards for curation content you can also get other income and I think $LEO is the safest and most stable investment in Hive. and that's great, but there are many other things, such as participating in The Daily Leo, get juicy upvotes from the account @leo. voter account and many other things, but what has caught my attention is simply LeoAds, I think I can call it this way, but basically for
I would also like to comment that I have been adding liquidity in CUB Finance and it is really interesting how the rewards are paid, very soon I will add much more liquidity, CUB Finance has caught my attention because it is something really decentralized and that's great for $CUB because it simply remains stable and there are times that the token is triggered and that you can take advantage thanks to the large number of users who provide liquidity in CUB Finance.
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From the desk of Carlos Mendoza, all rights reserved. ©
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