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RE: Hive: An Application For Content Discovery And Evergreen Content

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It even isn't 7 days.. All of the voting mostly occurs in the 24hrs.

It is 7 days, but you‘re kinda right. Most of the voting happens within the first 24 hours after posting, because this is somehow the „lifespan“ of a post on any of the frontends before it disappears into oblivion or at least out of focus if you‘re not doing any kind of promotion for it. This is where the „Content Discovery“ part comes into play!

But I thought it was obviously not possible because of tecnical reasons out of my reach

Everything is possible, but you have to balance between exposition for voting and the point of payout somehow. People‘s patience is not very strong these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


when the legacy chain first started payouts were after 24 hours and then voting was allowed I think at a lower rate for the next 30 days. I occasionally received the second payout and it would usually be very small.