Wow wow wow...
This is huge.
So much development has gone underground and in just these two or three months. Will edit this text with a better comment later
But this is an incredible one from you and I admire how you keep to your every word.
Wow wow wow...
This is huge.
So much development has gone underground and in just these two or three months. Will edit this text with a better comment later
But this is an incredible one from you and I admire how you keep to your every word.
I believe a man is only as good as his word so I try as much as possible to do what I say I will do. It's not always possible but I do try :)
The effort is really appreciated. Learning so much from you has shaped me in so many ways. You just may not know that. Having a positive mindset and mental development is a huge blessing
(blushing) Thank you for the kind words.
As a side note I remember you mentioning about a medication that went from $8 to $40 because the local manufacturer isn't making it any more locally. I don't know the prices of drugs in Nigeria but if it was Canada I'd be talking to the doctor and see if Cephalexin would be appropriate substitute.
The drug you were talking about in Canada is about $110 for 100 tablets. Cephalexin is about $23 for 100 tablets. They are used to treat similar problems with similar effectiveness. The cheaper one is much less convenient as it needs to be taken every six hours vs every 12 with the other one. However, if its the difference between getting medication and not getting medication I know which one I'm going to choose.
Just a thought. Have a great day :)
I bought Cephalexin Already and have been using it. Because of my health I am subjected to taking antibiotics occasionally to reduce the occurrences of infections that trigger the sickle cell crisis.
We actually do search for alternatives of the normal ones gets too high but I just preferred that one though.
The price is really quite high from your own end too, but that may be because of the difference in cost of living for each country.