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RE: Should I Panic Sell All My Bitcoin?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

learn not to FOMO into buying coins but always take time to consider many factors before investing.

100 percent agreed. One of the factors could be the use cases of the coin and whether there are possibilities for the project to grow in multi-directions or even if single directed then if the team is capable-of/dedicated-to continuous development.

Another factor could be to understand what they are offering is going to last in the long run or...

Anyways, again agree that not every coin is worth investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very correct! Not all projects are worth staking your money into. Some projects will crash while some may be abandoned.

Still to add to the factors to put into consideration are;

  • the project team; seeing team members with a good track record is a green light
  • Community strength: Community is everything. When a project has a strong community then it will soar in the long-run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said, couldn't agree more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta