There's also the study of mask wearing for kids are making them less able to socialise or be sociable due to the critical years where they would develop these skills are no longer there because they're spending every day in school where everybody's faces are 70% covered. Add to that what you say about online... the internet is just way too young for us to really know what generational impact it's truly having on us.
And since that is generational, it's gonna be too slow a change, no matter how significant, for any individual to notice. Kinda scary.
Ok, 》 was done by trying to do > but I accidentally switched to Chinese. So it's the same button but in that language!【《0_0》】
It is this slow change across entire generations that is going to be interesting and potentially devastating. For several hundred thousands years we have evolved in a certain way to hold and leverage certain skills and in 30 years, we have shifted away from a lot of these.