
Another possible indicator that people are losing confidence in government. If the Bond bear keeps going, things could get very ugly with the debt. Government debt is already bad all over the world. The US is looking like it is following that path.

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investors are beginning to get scared of their investment on the bond market due to the bearish trend,and also surely many people are truly loosing that confidence in the government,but what irritates me is that the government keeps pretending that all is well...

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The bearish trend has been in place a while so it is nothing new. However, the lack of confidence is reaching new heights.

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@taskmaster4450le what annoys me is that some of the leaders still pretend like all is well

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Honestly I don't think the current economy can take higher interest rates. Our economy and businesses thrive on cheap interest loans. Many of these companies are struggling paying off a few percent interest. In order to make up for this, they need more revenue. This means increased prices but looking at the economic data, prices are going up but the businesses can't offload the cost to the consumer right now.

Either way if the bond bear market happens, I expect a huge problem to occur in the economy. Not to mention the government raising taxes to pay off their interest.

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