Truly amazing stats.
If the price of CUB can stay at the low levels that it is currently at, we believe it can have a very beneficial impact on the CUB economy.
I thought I was the only one hoping that prices stay low for a while longer. Sometimes low prices ain’t always a bad thing lol. Nice one Cub fam.
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haha nope! You're not alone
I want to see CUB's price stay low as long as possible. The MTB is catching up to the LP Incentives being issued each month.
I hope the CUB price stays at these levels until the MTB flippens the CUB Inflation rate..
Then we could see slow and steady growth as opposed to a quick pump and dump back down to equalize with revenue.
My idea vision is that CUB stays at $0.021 or lower which = $17,640 in monthly CUB incentives paid to LPs. Then MTB revenue catches up and surpasses $17,640... Then CUB price slowly rises alongside the revenue of the MTB increasing and we stay deflationary for the forseeable future.
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