I am definitely not the only one who is extremely bullish and optimistic about CUB's future. Hundreds of users who have been active on @Leofinance for some time now must feel the same way I do.
Everyone was expecting #projectBlanck to launch first after Leo team announced a series of upcoming launches, but surprise surprise...
Everyone had really high expectations about these new projects and Leo team not only delivered, but took the whole thing to a brand new level.
Let's be honest now shall we? The reason why everyone had high expectations about these projects is because @Leofinance stands out from the Hive crowd. And whether some people like it or not it's a fact.
I am not going to say much about how things work at Cubfinance. Obviously you must have read dozens of posts about it so far.
I will just show you how its price might take off by comparing it to 3 similar projects.
This is the UNI token. Less than 1 year old... Rank #8
It's price is comfortably cruising at $32

This is the SUSHI token. Also known as Uniswap's fork. Also less than 1 year old. Rank #43 as we speak. It's price is close to $20 for some time now.

And finally this is the CAKE token. Current rank #55 and its also less than 1 year old.

Now look at these charts closely. Can you spot the differences? NO? Well good. Because there aren't any. They are almost identical.
A small spike at their price the moment they launched...or a few months of "stagnancy" and when more and more people started using their services/platforms respectively then the impact on their price was huge. BOOM all of them exploded.
Now a few months down the road how do you think the Cub chart will look like? My guess is that it won't look much different compared to the ones above. Just think of all the amazing things that ca be built on Cubdefi.
Think of all the possible integrations...
Think of all theses burns both for the CUB and LEO token...
And finally imagine its price when this number...
...is close to the values locked in on the above projects...
Lemme give you a piece of advice.
Farming becomes far more difficult every second that goes by...so make sure you hold each and every CUB token you farm tight, regardless of its price fluctuations...
Thank me in a few months.
Have a good one people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What's happening now being the Leo community and cubdefi is also like inner knowledge. We have the opportunity to be the first participant and we don't have to take on the difficult task of researching this project because it is our own.
Thanks will start to change when we have a great influx of non-leofinance community members getting into this space. I strongly believe that.
Keep those diamond hands
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Have you seen todays CUB price chart?

CUB is sending us some messages:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We're getting rid off of weak hands....I was expecting a dip, plus I think we've found the bottom.
I am trying to imagine when some massive whales find out about these crazy APRs where will the price land...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The issue with this is once they do find out about the APR, after the first few whales have entered, the APR will go down massively. So the way for cub to go up in value is constant innovation, which the LEO team has shown they are more than capable of.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Had to check twice you wasn’t @trumpman lol.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
oops, not a cat ( read pu..y) profile
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha this is pretty funny. Hope we enter the paved roads again soon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Please. where did you get this chart? Just curious...
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The classic thong trap
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would have been even more bullish comparing it with goose finance. After all it’s a copy of it at the beginning.
Layered farms will come, attracting more funds as it has done with goose.
And depending on Khal plans for CUB, it could past beyond. Agree with you, keep it and stake it, make good use of the nice CUB den APR ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
CUB is a long term project and is a milestone of
Leofinance. I am also attaching the chart of BAKE, another dex on BSC which in a few months took off from $ 0.01 to a peak of over $ 3 and today settles at $ 1.3. Cub has enormous potential
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have just over 30 cubs working right now, I hope another power down to buy more, it hurts I don't have more money but I'm generating incredible profits, let's go cub!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will need to buy more at a lower price. I bought at $7 and $8
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think anything below $8 is a bargain. I keep adding every day
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess I will send some more BNB and keep buying ... try to average down...
I wonder why we don't have a movie yet about farming... would get crypto even more viral LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think we will.
You could make so many types of films about yield farming. Even comedies. :D
When country musicians start making - popular - songs about yield farming we know that a crash is nigh. :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are some cool voice overlays around. Which is a start... 😁
lol never thought of this before. How awesome would that be eh?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm a bit more cautious - LEO have done a great job with marketing this - but there's competition around every corner in this space - Cub's only as good until the next new offering of 20% APYs which it won't ever be able to match again.
Add Thorcahin into the mix and wrapped coins on Binance overall might not look too attractive in a few months time.
Still for now, Cub is a hold I think!
Who says CUB can't benefit from liquidity provided using Thorchain?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It might well do, but it is only a derivative token don't forget.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe that the future of CUB will be awesome, but at the moment I still have to study the best strategies to dive into this territory (which is still a bit confusing for me).
Probably, the best thing to do (at least right now) is farming and stake them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's right. Especially knowing that 3 week down the road farming will be 1/3 of what is now
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just attract more people. We have a great community, and great projects. Remember to compound everyday and see you in one year.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I bought some at $11, some more at $7 and even more at $3.50. I agree that it's still early days and given the track record of the leo team, i believe this could be like Uni or Sushi.
Wow, I posted exactly the same comparison yesterday! ^_^
Two great minds think alike :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Right now the price is hovering between $3-$4. It's still a huge bargain. Going to get more of them for sure. ;)
Thanks for this post @mindtrap. Cheers!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
on my way..as old steemian, hiver and now lion
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ha! Good to see you around bud
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
nice stack of pancakes!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good comparisons you made here @mindtrap. I have had zero interest in these farming projects before CUB but now I can't help but take a peek every now and then. Thank you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agree with you! Farming and stake them, simple as that. A little patience and we will have at least a better life if not retirement on the long run.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
CUB came as a surprise. We never heard about it until few days before it's launching. LEO gives us so much surprises.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
let's hope we gonna see values like this one! we had quite the head start though!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We did...now dream BIG
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Farm-Harvest-add more to liquidity. Rinse and repeat!
My strategy in a nutshell!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ha! That makes us two. Although I buy more and more too every single day
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wish I hadn't locked most of my spare liquid in the dens and farms already LOL! I'm gathering more and waiting for weak hands to start dumping their "free" money ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let's farm some more while we still can!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Pretty excited about $CUB. Just barely got into yield farming defi projects a few weeks ago, and glad I found this gem!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And what a gem that is!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for putting it down in simple language so that people like me could understand. I hope to invest more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just loaded up a little more CUB, making the most of these higher rates before it goes down to 1 CUB/block too, why not? :)
Mars, meet Cub. Cub, meet Mars.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Mars baby...Mars
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yes, talk dirty to me :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
CUB price has gone down in a day and the current price may be the bottom one.. Waiting for the time to buy some.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm really looking forward to see how this will go. Could someone like me who invested a small ammount after 2 days earn a real value ? For now there is still more than 1 500% ROI for most of the cases.
What I can see for the moment is that since I invested, CUB's price came from $3.6 to $4.9 in one and a half day. That's still less than the $17 before Airdrop but this is increasing !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Συμφωνώ μαζί σου, εύκολα μπορεί να πάει πανω απο 10 δολάρια κατα την γνώμη μου..
Love these comparisons for the success of the platform (and subsequently my wallet)!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm struggling to understand CUB. What can I do with it other than make more of it? That doesn't seem like a sustainable value model.
new features will be released
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ya We are infront of Great Project
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm farming-compound-compound-buy-compoud-buy-compound aah CUB is my precious :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hehehe. Definitely precious
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have 8 or so, is that enough to be useful for anything?
And if so, what?
Currently they're just sitting liquid on hive-engine.
You could stake it in a den and farm more of it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Jumped in day one with a small stack, but love to see it grow every day. !'m just compounding the shit out of it for the future as we also have 3 CUB per block right now which will be 1 per block in three weeks and there will be a lot less to go around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And this is when I expect its price to rise...# weeks down the road competition about a single token per block will be massive
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really wish I had bought more of the UNI token when I had the chance. I didn't get any from the air drop so I was starting from the ground up. I was only able to pick up one of them at the time. Pretty silly looking back now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Don't make the same mistake twice ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will try not to!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it's the right analysis for sure. Because this road is too long. There are many places to go.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your posts are always interesting and I agree with you about Cubfinance having so much potential.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So happy to have gotten into this project early. I have been on Pancake swap for a while, still like it there, but always on the lookout for new projects. New to Leo.Finance too, like today haha.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey man. sorry for the offtopic but how do you get such large curation rewards per 1000 HP, do you manually curate or are you a part of curation trail ? Cheers :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
it's really off topic...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
and how would you suggest I would go about asking this question if I can't contact him in any other way ? Telepathy maybe?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good post!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta