
I am going to have to write up a #leoglossary page for both Threadcasts and containers.

Already did one for threadstorms.

Need more micro earning for those containers.

There was a lot done in the #cryptomaniacs threadcast tonight.

That's a threadcast. I am talking about the containers.

Need to get people into the containers who are interested in the topic.

That is how you get votes going. A container nobody reads is not going to generate much of anything.

That also depends. Noone will read a container with 100 threads. May be the idea is to have max of 20 top line threads in that container.

Well, it will take time before microearning becomes real and handy, because we have less number of whales who curate threads.

We have been saying this for months now.

Maybe a few more months.......we have to wait before thread microearning manifests.

There are still many things to happen.

We are overstretching it without fixing the basic things.

I know. We need to bring this to the creators' attention.