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RE: LeoThread 2024-03-28 22:04

in LeoFinance6 months ago

What exactly the least sleeping hours u need for yourself( I am not asking what is the meidcal standard or the ideal one....rather how much do u find it the "must" for your own body from your experience)???



6 hours has been great for me. But if I dont get that, I will always take a nap in the afternoon

Afternoon nap is a must for me, even though a short nap....but in total I need at least 7/8 hours sleep at the least.

Thats a good number. I think medically, they recommend at least 8 hours, right?

Yes, for adults it is 7 hours at least.

6 1/2 hours is pretty much my minimum... less than that and I start feeling sleepy and unproductive by mid-afternoon.

For me, it has to be at least 7/8 hours.....

I sleep 3hours in a day this is because of the nature of my job.


That's not healthy....and u might develop some cognitive the long run....sleep cycle is like the daily maintenance period for us.

I don't have a choice here and my social life is back to zero.

Sorry to hear that...but nothing is more important than health.

Thank you for your kind words, will try to put my health first.

👍 👍 👍

As an adult 7-9 hourse depending on the individual. Around 20% had a gene that let them be alright with 6 hours or less.

Very true.....that's why I varies from one person to the other.

The thing is, if you study sleep, there are basically intervals of around 80-90 minutes called cycles. You go to sleep and wake up naturally, then divide your sleep to the rough number,
once you find your cycle lenght is eassy to calculate, mine is close to 90 min, so you can plan your sleep in full cycles, which means i can sleep well for 1.5, or 3, or 4.5, or 6 or 7.5 or 9 hours. There are people having shorter cycles, hence sleeping less. And few having longer cycles. Once you knoe your cycle you can plan adequatelly as sleeping in the middle of the cycle bring that groggyness sensation.

Perfect Answer....