I've been following this project closely since I first heard you explain the concept on Cryptomaniacs. Using Hive for a database is brilliant, there are just so many ways this brings value to the ecosystem. And this AI thing sounds super clever, very exciting to read about.
I've been doing my tiny part by linking to @leoglossary in my articles wherever possible, and will continue to do so. I get a strong sense of purpose when I do the links (even if it's sort of a hassle..). I think it's partly because the intention of the project is clearly stated, and the benefits are made so obvious. In addition to the concept itself being very simple (create references, make links to the references).
A few of questions I've been meaning to ask;
- Where's the preferred place to reach out if I discover a term that haven't been created yet that I have suggestions for, or even could help write?
- Or if I'd like to start a glossary for some completely different topic, would it be most logical to create a separate hive account for that topic/field (like 'plantglossary' for instance), or would it make more sense to suggest it created through the leoglossary account?
- I've noticed none of the database entries contain pictures. Is there a particular reason for that? If one hypothetically were to create a "plantglossary" for instance, it would be neccessary with pictures of all the different plants and flowers.
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