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RE: LeoThread 2024-02-28 16:49

Seems interesting! Bookmarked it and will check it out later.

This talk of containers and movies gave me an idea though.

If we can get more people to create containers for their favorite movies, we could create a mega-container for those containers. So I would put MY favorite movies container in there, and you could put yours. And then maybe others will join as well. The mega-container can use the tag 'metacontainer' - a container for containers


I liked that and we do need more people involved in this. We can do it and it only depends on us.

What do you think @taskmaster4450le?

That is true. I can also make a LeoGlosary page with each container. We also can link the LeoGlossary page for the film and also have the container linked.

For example, imagine a container for Star Wars and doing what I just mentioned.

Right! Using containers and mega-containers as a basis for leoglossary pages (gotta say, i really like the term/tag 'megacontainer')

the C.T.A. could be something like:

Want to see YOUR favorite movies added to leoglossary? Create a container with your favorites and add it to the INLEO MOVIE FAVORITES MEGA CONTAINER!

This way, people could even keep adding movies after it's been posted to the page. And it could also go the other way, like you suggest - like I just added some of the leoglossary movies that have their own pages to my favorites container.

A great deal of potential.

I will start doing a few movies too and lets get a page started.

Hopefully the site is calm enough to start working again.

Great. I'll create a thumbnail and proof of concept thread for megacontainers later today

Okay. Interested in seeing what you come up with. I will do a container on a movie also so we have that to use.

There is actually so much potential.