The fallen RTS, which merged with Infront ITPartner just over a year ago, continues to invest in the future. They are now buying Nexera IT services, which are set to become part of the RTS from October 1, and then run in the real-time cloud. For RTS, with 130 employees and offices in Stockholm, Helsingborg and Örebro, this is a way to expand IT operations. In connection with the acquisition, RTS also begins closer cooperation with the Nexer Group, where they will complement each other in cloud services. Both companies have worked closely together in the past. We are very proud and pleased with this acquisition as we strengthen our organization with even more competent people with specialist knowledge and become a stronger supplier for our customers. "Our partnership with the Nexer Group also means that we complement and develop our services to truly meet the market demands and the needs of our customers," says CEO of RTS Urban Berlin. The acquisition of Nexer IT Services means that RTS will employ approximately 50 people. For both Lars Kraja, CEO of the Nexer Group, and his employees, this transaction is a way to further improve Nexer. But at the same time, he is counting on further close cooperation. As we share the same vision and values, we are more confident that our talented people will continue to grow at RTS and the supply to our existing customers will continue to grow in the best possible way. In addition, we see great potential in our partnership, where we can jointly offer a unique whole to both