The Law of Attraction has a major impact on personal finances, especially when people actually know what it's about and how it truly works. I think the intersection of the Law of Attraction with personal finance would be a perfect niche at LeoFinance for someone who experience with both. Definitely the good kind of experience.
Packaging is important, as is presentation. Doing both cleanly and crisply can be challenging. But when it's done right, the results are rewarding.
You'll get it right, if not with the first article, then with one shortly following it. After that, it's just fine-tuning. After a few fine-tuned articles, you'll be firing on all cylinders.
The Law of Attraction has a major impact on personal finances, especially when people actually know what it's about and how it truly works. I think the intersection of the Law of Attraction with personal finance would be a perfect niche at LeoFinance for someone who experience with both. Definitely the good kind of experience.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
found my niche topic.
I have a stack of posts I'm getting ready, and they include dream boards, personal coaching, etc etc.
I am BUIDLing right now.
People on HIVE are always manifesting, especially those that set growth goals. This is the place to practive HAVE ing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You had the raw content for your niche, so you found your niche a while ago, right?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For my day job - I am an Intuitive Tarot Reader - and I love writing- so I create lots of content on my down time.
Its the packaging that I struggle with.
My job lets me delve into LOA a whole lot.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Packaging is important, as is presentation. Doing both cleanly and crisply can be challenging. But when it's done right, the results are rewarding.
You'll get it right, if not with the first article, then with one shortly following it. After that, it's just fine-tuning. After a few fine-tuned articles, you'll be firing on all cylinders.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Smart take ⬆️ 🙏