I think you underestimate the power of the dolphins and whales.
My 11,000 HIVEPOWER mixed with my almost 4000 LEO gives a nice little boost, and I would say that it is easier to make friends with 5 little me's than to make "friends" with 1 whale.
Especially when it comes to attracting the downvoters, one whale friend can only take you so far before the downvoters come to town.
Lastly, I agree with the sob story bit. While I do support great content from people who have been here for years and regularly power down and take money out - I only do so because I know they live in places where HIVE income can make a real difference in the today (while for people like me it will make a difference in 30 years) - which means them spending crypto money brings in real life users -
I really would rather spend my upvotes on people who I know will keep my upvote income in the system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great point.
We saw the power of dolphins during the Steem hostile takeover.
A ton of smaller accounts all pooling their HP made a REAL difference to the chain's governance.
Exactly the same can be said for your votes.
As for the sob story part, I do totally understand that you and I are approaching Hive from a totally different angle to other parts of the world.
Well said and something I definitely need a reminder of from time to time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta