it's quite an interesting view isn't it. I have been around for 4 years now starting on 0 and just working my way. Over that period I have grown my stack and the people I used to follow have also grown.
Before I used to watch people complain about others, now I see people complain about me and the people who grew along side me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Honestly mate, your growth here has been awesome to watch.
Definitely can inspire some n00bs to follow a similar path of just picking a niche, writing quality content and engaging around it.
You're one of the best on LeoFinance and I always try and upvote your content each day.
The only reason I don't have you on my once a day autovoter is because you sometimes put content in those other tribes and I miss out on the LEO curation rewards if it happens to vote those.
Maybe splitting that stuff to another account is something to consider going forward?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you, I am glad you enjoy the posts it has also been a growth experience for me.
I have tried splitting accounts but then the new account gets missed because no one knows it 😞 you'll get a nice ROI on some of those other community posts some do well. But yes, automatic vote can be hard on the days that I do two posts. I've been less frequent in the other groups as I don't want to sack up all the rewards.
And as their stack grew, they are helping to keep growing your stack. Amazing how that works.
Isnt that interesting. You put in the work and achieve success and other complain about you. Of course, they believe you were "lucky".
It just shows why most are destined to NOT be successful in life. They spend too much time complaining.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup correct, it baffles me..when people see others earning $100 they shouldn't get jealous. They should look to see what others are doing and build their business (that's what this account is) and start working.
Use others success as a visual goal.
Try to motivate yourself to reach higher levels. That is what I always try to do.
Like you said, use others success to motivate oneself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup that is great advice! I'm sure as long as I keep plugging along I will eventually get there.
More so because as I grow so too does everyone else around me. We'll get there eventually.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Throw in the second layer rewards and that can really add up. Some of our followers might not big with HIVE but huge with CTP or LEO.
That can make a difference also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup that's true. Although second Layer tokens been taking a hit lately. Look at VYB :( 😞 ah well. They don't all work out.
I have watched a few layer two tokens go bye bye and my investment go bye bye with them.
But there's always LeoFinance to make up for all those losses.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They are going to follow the rest, up and down. No doubt markets are down at the moment. At some point they will turn.
Of course, not all layer 2 will. Some are destined to die.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ok, but we have to admit that buying HIVE at 0.13 was just a little lucky.
But blogging through 0.13 cent hive was NOT luck, that was sheer HARD work (not really but, yeah).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It must feel nice to be complained about. Its like winning an award, like you finally got somewhere.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta