This reminds me of the summer of 1984, my Father bought a PC with a printer, software, and a bunch of manuals. That was the summer I discovered the Binary number system. 0 and 1 those two digits can represent anything in the world, especially now with VR.
Now anything in the world can be Tokenized, giving the worldwide masses the opportunity to accumulate wealth by owning percentages of assets that were previously unattainable.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is going to be very interesting to see what people come up with over the next few years. There is so much going on right now it is mind boggling. We are going to see things in 5-7 years that will blow us away.
This is a major step forward, in my view, for all of humanity. We can essentially tokenize anything and turn it into a market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta