Albus Dumbledore is Effing Strong!

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I was having a jolly good time searching for the perfect card to add to my deck when, quite by accident, I stumbled upon a summoner that looks like none other than Albus Dumbledore himself! As an avid Harry Potter enthusiast, I simply couldn't resist the urge to play this card and see what magic it could bring to my gameplay.

Well, I have to admit, mate, when I first laid eyes on that card, I wasn't exactly expecting it to be a game-changer. But something about it just seemed to hold potential... so I took a bit of a gamble and added it to my deck. And bloomin' heck, am I ever glad that I did! Before I knew it, I was climbing the ranks and just kept going until I reached Silver level. Who knew that one little card could make such a big difference?

This Week's Theme is...

Holy Protection

All Units have the Divine Shield ability.

Divine Protection is good when your enemies are trying to attack from all directions. This would make them take longer to eliminate your units. To counter this, you just do the opposite and focus on one direction at a time.

Battle Factors

Mana: 37
Active Elements: Water, Earth,

|| All Units have the Divine Shield ability.
  • When foes attack from all sides, Divine Protection can be your hero! It offers a tiny bit of respite to ward off their offence while you try and eliminate their troops one by one. Of course, this may also happen to you, so ensure caution.

  • Watchus Fighticus! Replay battles that are oh-so-victorious!
    Click here to watch the replay

    Round 1:

    By end of Round 1, Thanalorian Scion is the only one who died. It took my foes an extensive amount of time before they eventually penetrate through the formidable Thanalorian Scion.

    Round 2:

    By end of Round 2, Opponent's Mycelic Slipspawn and Venari Knifer were the victims. Mycelic Slipspawn was already gravely injured by the end of the previous round while Venari Knifer, unfortunately, was unable to endure the sheer damage of my team for this round.

    Round 3:

    By end of Round 3, Opponent's Regal Peryton and my Djinn Oshannus are the 4th and 5th victims. I must commend them for succeeding past through Djinn Oshannus but their victory is not guaranteed yet since my next unit also has high health as well, unlike their remaining units.

    Round 4:

    By end of Round 4, Opponent's xxx and Moxian Rebel were eliminated. Nerissa Tridawn had her fourth kill at this point and shows no signs of slowing down. I suppose 4 magic damage does make a significant impact in my wins.

    Round 5:

    By end of Round 5, Opponent's Goblin Psychic is the last one to fall. Lobstradamus did not contribute much this game since my opponents also chose to use magic attacks as their strategy against me. Unfortunately for them, their units had weaker health and defense abilities than mine.

    Lineup and Strategy

    Because of the ruleset Holy Protection, At best, because of Holy Protection, the deck I assembled is a fairly straightforward one. I decided against including strong units which have high magic attacks and health instead of relying on sly tactics, such as Coral Wraith's Sneaks. Instead, I concentrated on the front, vanquishing their units individually, while also protecting my team from any imminent harm with the help of Venari Wavesmith's Protect ability.

    || Gives all friendly Units +1 Magic attack.

    Why pick this summoner: Compared to Obsidian, Alric appears significantly more potent, not only because of his lesser cost, but also due to how strong the units he summons.

    || When hit with a Melee attack, Unit does 2 armor damage to the attacker, and max armor of the attacker is reduced by 2.
    || Magic attacks hit this Unit's armor before its Health.

    Why pick this unit: When I first started, I followed the others that I've watched by leading with Djinn Oshannus. Unfortunately, he would perish after merely two or three rounds. That is why, I assigned another Thanalorian Scion with his Void Armor ability in the front and now, he has become my favorite.

    || Reduced damage from Magic attacks by 50%

    Why pick this unit: I understand the principle behind it that he's exploited as the tank due to his Void ability. From my own experience, however, he simply meets his demise too early. That's why I placed him second instead. Actually, even in second, like in this battle, he still died proving my point further.

    Why pick this unit: This one really surprised me. She looks strikingly like me in real life so I absolutely had to add her to my team. Fortunately, Nerissa Tridawn has more advantages than just her looks.

    || All friendly units gain +2 Armor.

    Why pick this unit: I recognized that numerous players love using units possessing the Sneak ability that were able to vanquish my troops from the rear, so I had to include an additional layer of support for that part of my team.

    Why pick this unit: I recognized that numerous players love using units possessing the Sneak ability that were able to vanquish my troops from the rear, so I had to include an additional layer of support for that part of my team.

    || Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks by 50%.

    Why pick this unit: Like I mentioned, I persistently lost to teams filled with several Sneak units. Fortunately, I found a unit that possesses magic attack coupled with the Shield ability that would protect me from these sneaky bastards.


    This plan I have is extremely powerful and I actually reached Silver tier using it.

    I am uncertain if it can be considered an accomplishment, but I played significantly and it goes without saying that I became slightly addicted with this game within my first few days. Nevertheless, it's such a shame that they would limit your games with this bloody energy system. I had hoped that I could still participate even after the energy reaches 0 even if it meant playing without gaining any additional rewards."


    Photos that I used and other infos can be found in these websites below:

    If you have any questions and suggested combos, feel free to comment it down below. You can also use my link for referral bonuses.

    Good day and see you in the Arena.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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