You do realize how easy it would be for any one to just make a ton of accounts and vote with them in a one-vote-for-one-account system. It's either KYC or voting with stake.
That said, the DAO fund is a joke. Netuoso ripped if off for months with no code to show for all the tens of thousands of dollars paid for "continual development". Until Thererealwolf started talking about it, nothing happened. Netuoso is no longer in top 20, thank goodness. Therealwolf's campaign to drop content rewards in HIVE would've further consolidated the chain. The only hope for growth at the moment is the buzz some of the Tribes are now creating.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Pretty much like circle jerking I'd say.
Netuoso was voted by large stakeholders to be able to cash all those tens of thouasnds and he also had plenty of fans ass licking him when he came with that shit post, way way overvalued in curation, announcing that he's migrating to Hive. Man, people are so naive on one side and greedy on the other.