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RE: What Is Web 3.0?

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I appreciate your spirit, but you mainly own your account. The Chain is a distributed entity storing whatever you've put by using your Ressource Credits. You CAN'T delete the posted data, you can alter it but not change retrospective. Every edit is creating an update, the "old" data stays where it is. Furthermore, most of what you post is public and ownerless, you're the author, and you are eligible for upvote rewards.

The chain hosts the data and is permissionless and ownerless by most legal definitions around the world.

Now back to your word salat,

user is the owner who has the power over their own data

The user is a blockchain account, he has the ability to use the chain without asking for permissions.
The owner of content is not a thing. Whoever rules over account keys, can behave like an owner of that account and its assets. But the content is immutable, therefore it does not belong to the account, it's rather ownerless.
Power over the data is laying with validators, the witnesses, they are the Dragon who guards the live status of the chain and its stored data. The data within the blocks is the treasure and the Dragon is guarding it until he dies so that none can steal the treasure.

Furthermore, I want to stress, that you POST THAT STUFF PUBLIC. 100% P U B L I C, as soon as it's out - I'd call it free content. Every country has different laws on how to define originator, publisher, copyright etc. and trustless systems have none of the above.

I'll leave it there, but here's what I was trying to say all alone. You can own an account, you can't really own your content on a Blockchain.

@Taskmaster4450 or am I wrong?