The streak is over.
Somewhere along the line this week I lost track of the post counts. As a result, one of the days has just a few thousand more posts while another day seems to have too many posts.
On the bright side, it's a counting stat, so by its nature the post total will always rise.
It will be interesting to see how the numbers (all approximations based on screen captures and timing) vary on a day by day basis as well as 7-day moving averages.
I want to take the data I have and make a post showing how the first posts of the 2nd 100M posts were registered. This will take me a while. I also need to get through a backlog of posts I have to free up time for new posts after that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What will be really interesting is when the bull returns to see how things rise.
Also, depending upon how projectblank is set up, that could see the numbers skyrocket.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta