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RE: Notes from a Novice Trader: New Diesel Pool, More Rewards

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That's a question I'm not in a position to answer because at the moment I can only afford to be in one pool at a time. That's why I've written 2 posts about why I switched from one pool to another.

If I had more resources at my disposal, I would stay in the SWAP.HIVE:PLN pool and put funds back in the SWAP.HIVE:PIZZA pool. If I had more funds than that, I would go into a 3rd pool.

Should I judge a pool by the number of rewards it offers? Not necessarily, although I need to figure out why a pool offering 5 reward tokens could be better than a pool offering 10 tokens-- or why a pool offering ZERO reward tokens could be better than one offering even 2 reward tokens. In a future post I'll go into that aspect of diesel pools, but I need to ask around first and make sense of the answers I find.

There are so many ways for us to make money with HIVE+ (what I call the combination of HIVE plus the Layer 2 tokens of Hive Engine) that most of us can't possible use them all.

I think before we answer a question like "In how many diesel pools can I have position?" we need to determine what priorities we have. If it's passive income, then it's just a matter or details and fine-tuning what you do with things like diesel pools or other DeFi. If its simply stacking your favorite tokens while their prices are crashing to the floor in preparation for shouting "To the MOON, suckers!" then diesel pools take on lesser importance.

Even with the little I know, I want to share what knowledge I have in the hope that someone can benefit from it even if I can't. Since there's much I don't know, we both need to seek advice from people who are where we want to be in the future. If they can get where they are and we believe we are similar people but displaced by time, then those are our model or prototype investors.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta