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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Thanks again to @abh12345 for setting up the HEL and awarding the prizes.

Congratulations to @dswigle, @dreemsteem, @jfang003, @brittandjosie, @tattoodjay, @xplosive, @ganjafarmer, @futuremind, @justinparke, @tarazkp, @silversaver888, @qwerrie, @leaky20, @chincoculbert, @joanstewart, @wrestlingdesires, and @jesustiano for winning a share of the 50 HP; to @jayna, @steevc, @stefano.massari, @macchiata, @sunnyag, @fragozar01, @marvinix, and @theinkwell for winning Lucky Number prizes; and to the double winners among us!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for your good wishes

Am glad to be among the winners. Hope to see more winners and engagers for next week

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

thank you very much for the mention and for the award.

Congrats to you too....

Thanks for the mention, I am honored to have my engagement recognized.