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RE: HIVE & LeoFinance Will Thrive - You Ask Why?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The structured rebuttal, and sheer strength of intellectual process that's gone into your reply, pretty much tells the world everything concerning the large stakeholders and their elitist mindsets.....but you don't think it matters, or that it's even a problem ?
...cleverrrr....verrrrrrry clever....

I'd recommend researching the fall of Rome (or the byzantine/spanish/arab/british empires)... or is history and how economic systems collapse, bullshit to?'s always the same, no matter the scale, and no matter the technology.

....awaits for childish downvote repsonses in a hissy's laughable...and the crypto world IS watching this play out, I can assure you.

It's getting embarrassing.

As a man of integrity (which I perceive you as being), would you really want a layer 2 on a layer 1 that's so fundamentally 'evil'...feeding the beast , and not starving it?@trostparadox.pob - I thought I'd tag you to bring your notice to all the downvoting going on-again- on my account.

Blurt is waiting for improvements...You seem just like the kind of guy whose is able to add to it!


I thought I'd tag you to bring your notice to all the downvoting going on-again- on my account.

I have become convinced that there is no way to defeat downvote abuse within the system itself. That means Layer 1 DVs cannot be stopped by any form of 'community action' other than an all-out DV war between whales, which I don't see happening.

That leaves us with focusing on Layer 2 solutions, which is exactly what I am working on. Just had a good convo with Hive-Engine folks today and I am excited about bringing some much-needed fresh air in the very near future.

would you really want a layer 2 on a layer 1 that's so fundamentally 'evil'...feeding the beast , and not starving it?

I am not at all convinced that Layer 1 is "fundamentally 'evil'."

My students just finished this week studying artificial intelligence and discussing whether we should fear technology, especially AI and smart machines. As I shared with them this morning, technology tends to not only increase productivity, it also increases mankind's ability to do good and also to do evil.

My advice to my students was, don't fear the technology, but be wary of mankind's propensity to do evil and the ways that technology can enhance that.

Although I concede that there might be some technologies out there that are inherently 'evil' in and of themselves, Hive's Layer 1 is not one of them. Hive is a tool that can be used for good and can be used for evil.

Blurt is waiting for improvements...You seem just like the kind of guy whose is able to add to it!

I am not ready to give up on Hive. After I launch my upcoming Layer 2 solution, then we'll see. If it is hugely successful, then that will confirm my belief that there are a lot of folks yearning for something different from the status quo. However, if it crashes and burns or just fizzles, then that might be a signal that I'm in the wrong place. For the moment, though, I sincerely believe I am right where I need to be and doing what I need to be doing.

I don't see technology as evil in the slightest.

I see the higher echelons of large hive stakeholders as 'evil'.

Evil = using power to silence opinion.
Evil = Using power to control others.
Evil = Having power, and then standing by and watching oppression take place - without doing anything about it. (i.e...spineless cowards).
Evil = Gas lighting.
Evil = collectivist/authoritarian/technocratic mindsets.

You might not agree with how the military industrial complex works - but if you head off to work at ratheon every day and collect a paycheck off them - you're feeding the beast still.

If you leave ratheon, you starve the beast of your labor/talent.

For the moment, though, I sincerely believe I am right where I need to be and doing what I need to be doing.

Ok, fair enough.
I sincerely think that you're incorrect, personally.
(See how we can disagree without downvoting ?) lol

I don't see technology as evil in the slightest.

Okay, I misinterpreted what you were saying.

Part of our disagreement may be mostly semantic. I almost never use the term 'evil' to describe other human beings. There is genuine evil in the world, and there are genuinely evil people in the world. But most of the people who do bad things are (imho) deceived (by the 'evil one') and misguided, more so than being outright 'evil' in and of themselves.

The term "evil" in my mind is reserved for heinous actions like abusing children and killing babies.

I personally don't "see the higher echelons of large hive stakeholders as 'evil'."

There are a few who are sociopathic to the point of likely deserving the 'evil' label, but only a scant few (again, according to my definition of 'evil', which is likely different from yours).

So, when it comes to your list of "EVIL = " statements, I agree that those actions are 'bad', but they don't rise to my definition of 'evil'.