
3 mins to 12 midday :)

2 hours difference. right ?

Nope I guess 7 hours from mine

I said it to considering ifamgirl's time zone😅. With your 5 hour difference with mine.

Okay, I understand


Some hours ahead from here.

Yes. Timezones are confusing at times

Very true especially with all the CAT, EST, and the likes

Haha but it's nice. We wake up and sleep at different times. If the whole world's time is the same, then threads might be quiet during the night :)


Nature is indeed a mystery

09.59 a.m now here in our country.

Oh, that's so close to mine

Which is your country

I am from Bangladesh.

Wow, beautiful.

It's a nice place

Thank you for the beautiful compliment.

12.01 pm :)

Oh, midday already.
Where's your country

00:06 am, Cuba

Ah, I like Cuba

If I get the opportunity, would love to visit there.

It has several beautiful places worth visiting.

Yeah, I know. Watch some movies that was set in Cuba.

Beautiful beach, cozy clubs and the rest

If that is the pretty face of my country, in the movies they exaggerate some things, but almost all of them are like what you see in them. You can visit the @hivecuba community, there you will see the authentic Cuba told by its protagonists

Hahaha, I know they exaggerate many things in movies so it can sell.

Alright will pay a visit

01:21 AM, Brasil

Brasil, is it different from Brazil