
A new bull run will begin next year.

Bull run is another optimism.

The platform just isn't as robust or else the exodus would be a constant migration for years already and still more years into the future. Few people come.. and people then go. Because the system is too basic to cater to a user that wants their new internet home in their hand:

MOBILE connected to their NETWORK.

HIVE unfortunately just doesn't offer that.
The experience relies on external systems and patchwork to even sort of resemble what they're used to. This is what people here don't want to discuss. The opportunity for mass adoption IS NOW! If only this Blockchain thing wasn't progressing so slow.

I was talking about this conundrum elsewhere and came up with a catch phrase which embodies blockchain (unfavourably but honestly) and so this is it:


Coders, teams and projects are good at boasting about what they think this tech can offer but not so many are actually delivering or even capable of delivering.

This is the major flaw and why those bull runs don't come in a seasonal manner. The other hard truth is that many are here thinking they're going to get rich over someone else. Hence the ones here stay loyal believing that a trickle of slow development is going to change much.