Celsius.Network Paid Over $250 Million in Rewards, Now Giving New Users $70 in BTC

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I've written about Celsius.Network multiple times in the past and I still continue to believe it's one of the best kept secrets of crypto. The number of new users to the platform has increased 200% in the past 3 months and the yields offered on your crypto are unbeatable. The total assets under management have exceeded $8 billion. So far, the rewards paid out are valued at more than $250 million. One additional perk is that Celsius covers any withdrawal fees, including the ridiculous gas fees of the ethereum network.

Cel Rate.png

The earning rates are published every week and they are usually pretty consistent. What blows me away is how they are able to offer 16.54% on stablecoins. My "high-yield" bank account only offer 0.4% so converting my USD to USDC allows me to earn 42x the interest I'd earn in a traditional bank account. If you have BTC just sitting in your wallet, Celsius will pay 6.2% interest to you. These rates are unheard of.

New Promotion - $70 BTC
If the platform wasn't doing a good enough job already, they've announced an incentive for new customers. All it takes is a deposit of $200 to earn $70 in BTC after 30 days. Thats almost a 40% return in 1 month, plus you'll gain weekly interest on the deposit.

  1. Create a new account using my referral link or referral id: 169246583d, this will award you with $30 in BTC
  2. Before making the deposit, navigate to the "enter promo code" box on your profile page and enter the code WEB40. This will award you $40 in BTC.

Note: The deposit has to be at least $200 and remain in your account for 30 days.

This opportunity was almost too good to be true, so I had to make sure and share it with the community. I've been using Celsius since January 2020 and not a single interest payment has been missed. If you are hesitant about Celsius, take some time to watch their videos on youtube. Each week the CEO Alex Mashinsky does an AMA and gives updates on the progress of the company. I was hesistant at first, but I quickly gained confidence in Alex and the direction he was taking Celsius.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta