The first looks are great. Love the dark mode option.
Looks like it is much more user friendly.
Can’t wait to see it operational. 😎
I’m using the hivestats now as it gives you a great overlook at how your account is doing and what needs improving, even though some day or some times of the day, most stats are 000000
But lately it was better.
With the new one it looks like you can do so much more. Easier to use…
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It really is a bridge to being simply a content creator and having more professional tools.
This means we are now able to operate, of sorts, as a business. All businesses look at their analytics to improve their results.
Hivestats appears to be giving people the data they need about their activities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes… looking at it like that it is, and will be a professional tool to examine what your “business” is doing and needs improving at. Love it.
Will keep using it for sure 😊
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This actually will help the ecosystem appeal to a different level of content creator. It is one of the things that YouTube (Google) does a great job with.
Having an application that people can check their stats is something that could be promoted and pushed out there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes… you are so right.
I would promote it.
Plus hive and Leofinance. Just need to grow a bit more and gather more knowledge.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is a tool that will be available to the "professional" content creators who arrive here.
Let us see where it all goes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta