LEO is rebranding and looking to the community for ideas for a new name.
Unless you live in a cave, of that you already know.
And I decided to participate and go beyond... and I will explain in this #threadstorm
LEO is rebranding and looking to the community for ideas for a new name.
Unless you live in a cave, of that you already know.
And I decided to participate and go beyond... and I will explain in this #threadstorm
In this case an excellent domain would be leoconnect (leoconnect.io for example). because it is easy to remember and show that this is the way to connect to everything within the L.E.O. The post with the experimental logo is coming soon
To complete this challenge launched to the community, I took into account some points and I will explain them below describing each one. In addition I intend to go further, delivering a sketch of a possible logo for the new brand.
do you have a post I can read for this change ?
If you're talking about a Leofinance post it's this one, if you're talking about my post with logo and content I should do it soon.
Maintaining the brand's achievements - A rebrand is necessary as the LEO team has already said, but maintaining what the brand has already achieved is essential and we all feel like lions, so somehow it needs to be maintained.
Concept - Every brand needs a concept and LEO has long been much more than a finance community. LEO has been a haven for those who want to learn about various topics and create connections with people interested in personal growth.
Imagery - The name alone should evoke an image that sticks in the mind of the audience and denotes a bit of what that brand brings to its audience or its visions and missions.
With that in mind I thought of keeping L.E.O as an acronym for something bigger, where LeoFinance and all LeoVerse products could continue to fit perfectly and still bring the idea of renewal and growth of the brand.
Following this line of reasoning I first thought of "Lion Eternal Oasis", but I was not satisfied and thought of "Lion Enlightned Oasis" and both concepts will be explained in detail in the post I will do soon.
Yes, participate! You'll never know!